
Why are you assuming that you have to be a straight white dude to have a cowboy fantasy? Just because all the cowboys of the time were (presumably) straight white dudes, or that has been their traditional depiction in other mediums, why should Westworld be restrained by actual history. Why shouldn’t anyone be able

Why, do you want to?

The kind of people that don’t get their knickers in a twist over the premise of a sci-fi show?

This might shock you but the only thing seperating humans and robots today is memory and the ability to access it to adjust their actions.

“Opponents argue that drawn child porn will only whet the pedophile’s appetite, and is the start of a slippery slope to real-life abuse. There’s not enough research to know who’s right.”

To me it seems like a slippery slope towards thoughtcrime. The notion that it could be illegal for someone to draw a picture and then

I’m pretty sure the laws and the mores of the time wouldn’t be transported intact to a present day amusement park.

Protesting that art be removed because it is offensive is fucking offensive and I demand that all arguments that offensive art be removed be removed so as not to offend me.

Don’t erect signs to shield viewers from the work. Just admit that it is shit and move on.

I understand the complaints, but is “take it down” ever the right answer?

Can we just agree that this is bad art and move on?

Well this lame-o thanks you anyway.

You know what would be better than this tired, flawed discussion that totally ignores how the creative process works?

I love Tim Burton movies...maybe because I AM weird white people...but I also love Samuel L Jackson’s reaction. Jackson has been in more than a few movies that directly addressed racism in this country, and he was like, “ big deal. Is what it is. Tim is great.” So...Social Justice Warriors, please leave

I laughed out loud at your comment. I’m of Indian origin and I’m sick to death of white liberals, (usually women) on their daily crusade against something relatively benign and inoffensive. In real life, I now actively avoid them.

Thanks for letting us know you are breathtakingly racist, Tim.

Maybe it’s me, but it seems as if the teen “racist” has changed within the past decade or so.

So, Burton fighting for billy dee Williams to play Harvey dent in both his batman films was him being racist as well as creating a part specifically for Samuel L Jackson in his latest picture....

He’s not racist...he said some stupid shit at the end of a long day after an interviewer was obviously bating him... (She did the same thing to Samuel L Jackson)

He was badly referring to a terrible Brady bunch episode that never should have happened...

I’m black, and I am having a hard time being offended by his statement. Can someone who is white explain this to me?