
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

At this point Southern Democrats are mostly black and Latino sooo...

I too am pretty redneck and vote Democrat. Maybe you guys just don’t realize we’re out here if you look.

Wouldn’t your complaint about this be with the Mexican restaurant that serves sangria? And regardless, the world is globalizing very quickly...lots of cultures are borrowing things from one another. It’s not just white people appropriating anymore, folks.

That could easily be. At least the owner is looking into the situation.

Obviously they are different, but both involve the refusal of service based on political beliefs. In my opinion calling the tow driver a piece of shit, and calling the restaurant owner justified is hypocrisy.

It’s interesting for me to see the 180° many commenters are taking on this story compared to:

As someone who is friends with parents of an now-adult that is retarded, that is the word they use because it means exactly that - part of his brain is retarded and has not developed beyond that of a small child. It (retard/retarded) is only offensive as a perjorative. “Developmentally disabled” works as well but is

Well written and thoughtful piece. Your brother sounds like a great guy.

I would never use the word retarded or crippled to describe a person with a disability, but I do use it occasionally with close friends or family. Someone does something stupid, and I might say “you retard” and we both laugh.

In such a case, it’s

Teasing, mocking, insulting, even physically hurting someone because they’re different is always wrong. We do need words that accurately describe the world around us. As long as we have those behaviors, whatever word is commonly used to describe something will change from time to time when it becomes something that

Select an adjective to describe a situation. Use a Latin base, (in this case a fairly neutral one meaning “delayed”). The bullies and ‘comedians’ use it in hurtful ways. So time to select a new word, (this time using Greek?) ...(rinselatherrepeat)

As someone that has spina bifida (meaning a severe limp), along with a significant speech impediment, and a regular fight with controlling my bladder, get over yourself bro.

You really need to check your privilege. If you don’t realize that many African-Americans are greatly privilege compared to many around the world, you must not be paying attention. Do you really think the average African-American’s life is even comparable to someone from Iraq or Syria?

Again you’re basically offering an #alllivesmatter response.

African-Americans as carriers of American passports and creators of American pop-culture have the massive privilege of moving across borders and having their cultural production move beyond borders in a way that is completely inaccessible to those of us from

“Black people here are not at all making any decisions to come to your country and do anything.” So condoleeza rice and Colin Powell didn’t actively make these decisions? Obamas massively expanded drone program wasn’t his decision? OH OKAY!

Now playing

Your attitude is exactly what MIA was talking about.

African-Americans are as often as not the face of American imperialism on the ground. And there is just complete denial about their role in American atrocities from Japan to Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan.

Yeah ha ha, Obama and Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice and Susan Rice have had no input in your foreign policy.

Its amazing how African-Americans can pretend they aren’t a core part of American imperialism.

It’s like the Irish claiming “we were also victims of the Empire” and refusing to acknowledge that in Asia and

she makes a great point. Americans are superficially familiar with the black-white racial issue, thanks to watered-down MLK-Day platitudes, and therefore issues that don’t fall into that neat, familiar category are met with silence.

It’s adorable because all of you Americans missed her really good point.

i.e. While Americans are talking about ensuring that black Americans’ lives matter, they still are doing shit all about the massive American military violence killing brown and black people all over the world.

She’s too woke for you.


yup, she is definitely not allowed to do both of those things at the same time. IF YOU WANT TO ADVOCATE FOR THE POOR YOU HAVE TO BE POOR, MIA! (ignoring for a moment the fact that no one would listen to you)