
In summation, Zoey’s too white. Got it.

For all your caterwauling, they should quit making films you might object to altogether - those with blacks as the main character.

Hold on — the director addressed this in part with the Nicole Kidman nose issue. If this ISN’T the same as the Nicole Kidman nose issue, then, bingo, it’s because people don’t think Zoe Saldana is “black enough” to play Nina Simone.

Meanwhile Don Cheadle looks like Charlie Murphy with a perm playing Miles Davis. I guess at least they got the skin color down? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You’re pretty much still saying “Zoe Saldana isn’t black enough to play Nina Simone.” Which might be a valid argument, but don't try to pretend like that's not what you are saying.

Ok.....unethical,sure.....who cares now? Delicious idea,unobserved crummy ordinary folks,being crummy.....if they had known they were being observed,they would have acted totally differently......made me realize how stupid”reproducible research is....the crazy,sick truth of this project.....breathtaking.....too bad

And one day, in the long run, this WILL be used to further our understanding of human sexuality.

And just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right...

... I mean, his “call-out” was also part of the bit. It’s not a real objection, it’s scripted.

Interesting picture choice... cause they disagreed with the back, not with the front. Which you chose not to post - probably in the asumption that Jezebel readers would also dislike the back...

“before we were woke”
“message to all unwoke white girls”
“aren’t woke yet”

I don’t know, I’m a black girl and I don’t really see dreadlocks as cultural appropriation per say. I do think it’s not necessarily the bests style for white folks hair though. Also a lot if not all Rastafarian wear dreads, what if one is a white rasta, and wearing dreadlocks is part of religion, do we then tell them

I’m with him, you blatantly disregarded what he said so that you could be the double plus good internet liberal and link to some blog.

Here, why don’t you actually READ my post this time. I clearly state and have bothered to know what I’m talking about, that dreads are worn in many cultures not just one.

Uh, I’m white, like almost albino white and if I don’t keep my hair really, really layered, it dreads naturally! There are many types of hair that dread naturally, and even more people that appear white, but in reality have a very mixed racial background!

Cultural appropriation is a thing, but when we take it to the

“No white person looks good in dreads. Our hair is way too slippery and fine for dreads to turn out nice. (Over all, I know hair textures can vary.)”

Have you seen the back? Looks like a Predator cosplayer.

Not regarding this employee, her “race”, or the management of this company I have never even heard of. Every company has a dress code that employees are REQUIRED to adhere to. Showing up one day (out of how many beforehand?) with a new look and claiming its racist/whatever to say you cant do that is fine and all —- if

I can’t wait until we reach the new “peak” of “mansplaining” when Hulk fucking DESTROYS the Gawker family, putting all of you divisive, lazy tabloid bloggers out of a job. He’s going to mansplain the FUCK out of why all stolen pornographic material should be treated with equal status and make your dipshit owner pay

idk maybe a former president is permitted to speak on the subject of politics?