
If history is any indication, it will either be hung or go into archival storage and be sold for 10-29 times as much in 5-8 years. It’s an investment.

Door to door cigarettes. Now there’s your moneymaker!

“Especially if they didn’t take their receipt with them.” That’s the key point. If you only do this when the customer leaves both copies behind and only overcharge like $.50 it’s unlikely you’ll get caught.

To be doubly safe always enter a fradulent amount that lines up on a physical numberpad with the real amount.

Yeah, I’d never notice if it were only a few dollars, and I’m terrible with keeping receipts. But, I usually tip really well, so it would be extra shitty to mess with mine to begin with.

I worked at a WTF Mondays

I think this needs to be a topic for a future bco - crazy old people stories

IIRC (and I might not), that was doing her point that cheese pizzas talking about intersectionality are celebrated, while deluxe pizzas saying the same thing (and possibly further back in history) are ignored.

It’s not that hard to reconcile.

I like that in this world, unicorns ride horses.

Someone misspelled her name "Khole" in a comment yesterday and I decided that she will forevermore be K-Hole Kardashian in my heart.

Amber snatched Khloe bald. Khloe needs some Jamaican black castor oil, Iyanla to fix her life and time to heal and reflect.

I'm not sure how I missed until now that Khloe has an accent over her name, but as judge of things that irritate me personally, I rule that whoever named her loses at everything forever.

ugh. do not STEP to my angel, Diane Rehm, and her tender voicebox.

She doesn't owe those fans shit. They booed her because she chose to not sign a bunch of stupid pieces of paper. I'd flip em off too. Who gives a fuck if it's on the red carpet, like that's some sort of rarefied place.

Three things:

Right??? Like there are a bunch of sexual predators out there being like, "Now I'm cool with breaking the law to stalk and assault ladies, but damn this bathroom law is airtight! Guess I'll just have to break and enter into her home to assault her."

I don't know that I've ever heard the "vegetarian = classist" argument before.

Somebody else mentioned this but Gabi isn't even the darkest part of this shit—"On Friday I take [the canaries] out.." WHAT THE FUCK OMG

It's a shame that what the judge decided was that the law was in violation of the legally superior and democratically decided U.S. CONSTITUTION. He talks as if the Judge just MADE UP laws. Hey, if Alabama don't like it, either find a way change the constitution or attempt to succeed and start a civil war. GOOD LUCK!
