
I get your point, but I also bristle at the idea of telling women how they should dress or express their faith/ideas/etc. under any circumstances. Just because the hijab comes from an oppressive religious tradition and impulse doesn’t mean that all women who wear the hijab see it that way now. For many women its

I hate anti-vaxxers, but I also hate the idea of legitimizing the notion of people with welfare shouldn’t do/have/buy X... I guess I hate anti-vaxxers more, but still this is kind of icky

What I liked is that she (not so) subtly used the coded language used to criticize powerful women and turned it against Rand Paul and then proceeded to engage in a full throated defense of women journalists not needed men to stand up for them. I feel nervous saying this in front of the Chief Justice of Shade Court,

Kathy has better things to do with her time than fix Fashion Police. It's not her job to fix some busted E! show that has no reason to exist in its current incarnation now that Joan Rivers is gone. Her leaving and making the statement she did said a lot more than her staying on the show.

I don't think I ever noticed that either, but now its going to make me even angrier than the fact that her name is already "Khloe."

Kara you are an absolute treasure. I recognize we are already blessed enough by Shade Court's weekly sessions, but if this became a regular or even semi-regular/recurring feature, I would die of happiness. 100% golden all the way through.

It's not part of her fucking job to sign autographs. I'm not saying that celebrities will ever enjoy the same level of privacy that normal people do, but just because she's in movies doesn't mean she has to interact with her fans or even be nice to them. Sure, she makes money because fans pay to see her movies, but so

Seriously, a half assed Ghostbusters reboot with like Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Zac Efron, and lets say Michael K. Jordan, would do way more to shit all over my childhood memories than a more drastic reboot with an all female cast.

I never realized Naomi Watts was so short. Maggie Gyllenhaal looks like a giant next to her and she's not that tall IRL.

Sort of off-topic, but 3 Women is SUCH a good movie. Maybe Shelley Duvall's all-time greatest performance.

Not to mention compared to other things in the Bible, the proscription against homosexuality is barely discussed. It's a much less central part of the Christian belief system than say giving up all of your earthly possessions to follow Christ is and we know how so many "Christian" politicians feel about that...

Well I mean according to Catholics, all marriages outside of the Catholic church aren't real marriages, so by that definition Sally Kern's Baptist marriage isn't a real marriage either. Which is exactly the point. Catholics (I'm using Catholic for the remainder of this post for convenience, but you could swap it out

Because the whole religious freedom argument is just a BS screen to be a bigot (and supplementally use homophobia and misogyny, in the case of Hobby Lobby, to further entrench evangelical Christianity in everyone's lives). The proscriptions against homosexuality are such a minor part of the Bible that there's

It's still better to not have judges fear being voted out for making an unpopular but legally correct decision. Yes you might get some clowns who make politically motivated garbage decisions, but it happens far less often than with elected judges. For example in Alabama, in death penalty trials, judges are allowed to

"It is outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can overturn the will of millions of Alabamians who stand in firm support of the Sanctity of Marriage Act,"

I literally bought a ticket to the Met Opera on a whim last weekend (thank God for student tickets) because Christine Baranski told me to in that commercial.

It would be the reaction we have now. A man (Hannibal Burress) making a joke about Cosby is unfortunately what it took to shake everyone into acknowledging reality.

Right but it was a clever way to get their Cosby slams into the opening monologue while still seeming somewhat related to the show. Like no one would expect going from Into the Woods to Cosby. That's why it worked.

It was important though because the joke was on the side of the wom(e)n who were raped.

Unfortunately Hemsworth signing on probably had a bigger effect on whether the movie got made or not. Charlize is a big star, but she's not perceived as an actor who's attachment to a project will get it made. The sexism lies in that fact, that women (especially over 40) are not considered "bankable," not that Chris