Are Americans that stupid that they don’t understand the difference between earned and inherited wealth? My repeated arguments with Trump supporters regarding his “business” acumen suggests: yes, they are.
This is why we can't get anything fixed in this country. Even stating basic facts is dismissed as being a hater by cretins who apparently are too stupid to understand concepts like privilege and advantage.
Cellphone cameras are one of the most useful inventions in history. We now have the power to (slowly, haltingly) change our society merely by having a convenient way to videotape the screwed-up crap some people have to put up with each day.
Even the most super liberal cities have shitty cops. It’s like the cops are immune to all that.
Cuomo joined the Clinton Administration as Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. From 1997 to 2001, he served as the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
So its going to be actors and reality stars in public office from now on, right? At some point, we’re going to have deal with Governor Jonny Fairplay, aren’t we?
“Oh she hired a sista, yes, I will vote for her, now”—1983 Black People
This this this this. this. I am so furious. She’s not a fucking child. She knew better and didn’t care, assumed she could get away with it anyway and then flushed an animal she claimed to need for emotional support down a toilet. That’s animal abuse by an adult. What the ever loving fuck.
I am so irked that Black kids are viewed as adults at 10 and white folks can be kids ti they are 30.
Because for republicans (you know he is), wanting the government to solve your problems is only bad when someone else does it?
Whether it’s been saving Congress from Roy Moore’s disgusting ass, or Oprah’s inspiring speech during the Golden…
Are you huffing paint thinner?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Stand at least 3 ft from other people, men and women at rhe copier or in line, or anywhere not the bus or a concert. There is no need to crowd in open space.
Or better yet, treat them like men, which, whether these folks want to admit it or not, is the real issue.
Enthusiastic consent is kinda the only consent I even like. “Convincing” someone to fuck sounds awfully close to “coercing”, and if I have to work that hard then maybe it’s not even worth it?Women in general don’t seem to express interest in any kind of obvious way, or at least not to me. Or maybe I’m just dense?…
Death to “where my hug at” guy!
Way to talk about your wife’s affair in a statement asking people to respect your privacy, asshole. You do not deserve an amazing name like Tullian Tchividjian.
Hands up who is most shocked by the guy’s name?