cmill189 - sans Volvo

Question: Did they scrap Ramin Djawadi’s music from the original? The Kaiju and Jaeger cues were some of my favorite parts of Pacific Rim. The main theme was also a great kind of 80's guitar hero action movie throwback.

I’d rather hang out with these guys than listen to the guys at the local Corvette club bitch about Bob adding different wheels to his 67 when the VIN shows they should be a different model.

Hello my name is Chad Wellington VI, I attend a boarding school in New Hampshire, plan to enroll at Yale on a Squash scholarship, find chipotle mayonnaise to be too spicy, and I don’t know what a Slab is.

Just wait until you break a bolt off flush, then break a drill bit off into it.

We call that the old “sesame steamer”.

What in the ever loving fuck.

“Don Jr just doesn’t talk about “Sports” by Huey Lewis and the News while wearing a raincoat anymore... I’m really concerned that he’s not himself.”

That truly is Peak Michael Shannon.

Step one: Make this shit stop happening.

Yeah, and along these lines, why the hell do I need to be ungrayed for each friggin Gizmo site?!?

Add the bit about force feeding the old videos, ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME.

Kill the whole “in the greys” system. My experience is that if you don’t post within the first hour or two of a popular article going live, no one will see your comment and there’s no hope of getting out. By and large I can only get on Jalopnik in the evenings which means I miss that “golden hour.” For the most part

Where’s my check?

His role as the pot dealer/angel in The Night Before is, in turns, both low-key relaxed and super intense. So good.

There’s only one headline I want to read that includes the words “Donald Trump” and “funeral.”

My only quibble, you spelled her name right.

Well, if you don’t drain the swamp, how will you find all the bottom feeders to appoint to office? Duh...