
I was surprised at how bad the song is. Its a B-side song at most. Probably shouldn’t have made the cut to even be on an album. I am not a huge fan of Swift but I give her credit for showing something that really doesn’t exist in the music industry anymore - actual talent. Unlike all the other manufactured singers still would’ve been easier to just plug it into the console and have the console use your phone as a wifi hotspot. If this is their solution to have voice chat on the go, its still incredibly cumbersome and using something like Skype like the article suggests would be an easier solution if using your phone as

What makes you feel compelled to post something like this?
What do you hope to accomplish?

Your single experience invalidates the experiences other people had IN THE PAST? That makes no sense at all.

A) There are gay men today still being persecuted in America

B) It used to be much worse

your post is very ignorant.

I’m pretty sure the third picture in the set in the article is two men, also definitely this picture not in the article in the same campaign:

You need to go look at the full spread this is a smattering of the shots. They’re all inclusive.

Did you play a different Zelda game? BotW doesn’t let you climb on anything, BECAUSE THERE’S ALWAYS A FREAK RAINSTORM. :|

Revolutionary for a Zelda title? Doesn’t seem that revolutionary in general terms.

You’re a piece of fucking garbage.

Thats a rather alternative view of what happened. Jafari tweeted out his support of White Supremacy. A personality from a different medium asked him to come on his show and talk about it where Jafari said even more white supremacist lies and then Jafari on his own Youtube channel double downed on his white supremacist

And I don’t want to hear a voice that reminds me that the actor thinks my race is inherently violent and criminal.

Aaargh. We need one for PS4, and PSN accepts nothing but abusive chat reports.

When you buy a Wii U in 2015 expecting it come out that year and instead wait 2 years (and buy another Nintendo system) I wouldn’t call it on time. Don’t get me wrong it was worth the wait but I personally would have skipped the Wii U if I would have known.

who has this kind of time to complete a big game like this unless your’e on welfare and living in your parent’s basement. I mean’s only been out for what...a week and a half?

So do I! That doesn’t mean I’m fond of a borderline predatory system being put on top of it.

Nobody should, but people do care for some odd reason.

I mean, option three is not create a revenue model that incentives the very act of playing in a repetitive, obnoxious fashion in order to trigger the skinner box reaction of randomly unlocking a ‘cool’ thing as a byproduct of using said psychology to encourage players to eventually put money into a glorified slot

The internet was famously slow in 1862.

Yes. It was obviously an excuse because college audiences weren’t enjoying his moldy old jokes. His best work was written by Larry David and the other writers of his TV show. I’m a middle-aged man in the demographic most likely to appreciate his humor, and I wouldn’t choose to see his standup act over, say, the acts

Actually it’s because he hasn’t updated his material in years and rather then improve his jokes would rather just blame the audience for not getting it.

As opposed to Dinosaurs and giant Apes fighting with bodily functions?