
Full costs of Bridge, US customs plaza and Canadian customs plaza all paid for by Canada and to be recouped from tolls. US declined to pay any upfront costs.

According to the Ambassador Bridge website, 25% of all merchandise trade between Canada and the US crosses that bridge.  Every time I have crossed the bridge I have found it to be maze-like in the approach from the US side with peculiar never-ending construction always occurring.  I welcome an alternate crossing that

You probably think that the Peace Bridge is only important to Buffalo and Fort Erie, too, huh?

Why, it’s the highest value international border in North America and the main bride is privately owned. Its definitely a good investment to improve the traffic between detroit and windsor.

I was pretty sure Canada is paying for this new bridge.

That scale was pretty jarring to look at. 6 or 7 is about when I say, “everything’s pretty good, I think”.

Eh...I’m in my mid thirties and my husband and I are struggling to buy a moderately shitty house in this market before kids. By the time we will try I’ll probably have fertility issues. If I were an early twenty something bazillionaire I’d get kids out of the way too so I can enjoy my thirties and not have to worry

I usually measure mine by how much I’m not judging someone else’s situation and life choices on the internet. But we’re all different.

Oooooooooooh look at what a good feminist you are

She really should have consulted you first

Cadillac has the same problem the rest of GM has, crappy interiors. It’s a bigger problem when it’s suppose to be a Cadillac.

It’s GM interior design in general. Just way too busy with clashing textures, clashing themes, and there is always that one or two odd butt-ugly parts bin switch gear in the middle of whatever nice design they are going for.

Ron is the type of guy you have a conversation with where as soon as he discovers you need something like a part or a piece of equipment or something, he says he has one you can use and insists it works. And then as soon as you see it, you realize it’s a broken piece of shit and you have to tell him you don’t want it

“Hah you’re enjoying yourself - so I guess you should be paying ME, huh?” - oh honey, it takes a LOT of skill to fake it this good. THAT is what you’re paying me for.

Within finance office, Did you spy:

...But in the best kind of way.

17s would clear the brakes just fine... but I couldn’t find any good flow-formed 17" wheels in the proper offsets. Most companies begrudgingly make an 18" set (stock diameter) and then 19-20". Like where do these people live so they can comfortably put 20" wheels and 20 series tires on their cars ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

This is an excellent step in the right direction.

How many innocent people are you okay with having the death penalty applied to in order to keep it? How much racial bias are you okay with being used in the application of it?  If your answer to either of those is none then you are against the death penalty.

All I can think of now is the line from V for Vendetta about how all they have are not guns but bullets and the hope whatever they want to kill is dead before the bullets run out.