CM Dubya

Take THAT song out of Frozen, and I doubt the kiddies make it a billion dollar movie. Because you're right; Anna and Elsa barely share any significant screen time together (they were too busy trying to rip off Tangled), so we get very little insight on the dynamic of their relationship, yet I'm supposed to care about

Random unconnected scenes, promises of telling a tale about selfless love that are never delivered, a buncha characters singing, a giant snowman and those useless trolls that comes out of nowhere, leaving you with a feeling that you haven't been told a story at all…


Yet when they GET said characters in movies like Age of Ultron, they're torn to shreds because they weren't represented "properly"…

Alright cool. You don't want to add anything so we are indeed done. Third party eyeballers, this debate between us is now over so now you can come up to your own conclusions. You may even want to talk TO people instead of past them after this, the possibilities are endddddlessssss!

Oh hey look, it's as if you're doing exactly what I was talking about with the dismissive snootiness. That's so weird…

"Like, what benefit is there in looking to be offended?"

The ENTIRE movie is silly as all fuck and the end joke was the icing on the ridiculousness cake. It's how the joke so rapidly escalated that made it funny, from how it went from just a kiss offer to anal sex offer. It's something absurd that catches you off guard, so it makes you laugh.