
I just rewatched the first season. It was actually even better than I remembered.

Insiders have been rumbling about this for a while.

Definitely read the original Foundation Trilogy, but as abbygirl47 says, be prepared for almost all the real action to take place off-stage: that’s just how Asimov works. The main reason the show was so drastically modified was that dramatizing a story which literally takes place over many centuries would require

In safety management there is an “Accountable Executive” who is frequently the President or CEO. They literally set the tone. An accountable executive that makes statements like that, regardless of the reasons behind them, indicates that safety is secondary (at best) to something else - even if it’s just image or

Oh noes, I might have to get my news information from reputable sources and only use Facebook for staying in touch with my grandma, noooooo... -_-

Cry me a river while we play the world’s smallest violin.

I was an aviation safety manager for a number of years and reading the guy’s philosophy tells me all I need to know about this “when not if” incident.

On 4 of my 5 characters, my nickname is “Rotten Trash” but because I think it’s hilarious, my rogue has “Potential Stalker”.

I immediately Googled Mr. Archambault, and, as I expected, the dude looks like the washed up frontman for a mid-00s nü-metal band. The man is a human chain wallet; he is the embodiment of the metaphysical essence of frosted tips.

That’s a star! Those bright lines radiating away are called “diffraction spikes,” and they’re a result of how light bounces off of JWST’s mirror and through the telescope. 

Despite the overwhelming popularity of Mousetrap, the president of MB was correct with their assessment of it. It was barely a game and the contraption often partially triggered as you assembled it so you had to repeatedly set up portions of it over and over.

OK, but does it run DCS?

I know that this isn’t a JWST article, but I still want to shill for building 5 or 10 more of them, and teaming them up in an interferometry setup.

Maam this is a video game website

Tried the prompt in SDXL Beta and holy crap, this went off the rails.

Rules of engagement and the Geneva Convention would dictate that military forces should not be engaging in combat in close proximity to civilians and give civilians the ability to retreat from proximate combat zones whenever possible — this is why Russia’s behavior in Ukraine, particularly in regards to Mariupol, has

you fill your pool once a year at most with some top offs, ill bet my house that most of the water elites waste is on their lawns which even during draughts somehow stays Ireland green.....and if your pool is in a area you can use all year long you only ever fill it 1 time, the rest is top off, cant see topping off a

I work designing refrigeration.