
Ok, wow I have never heard of this St. Elmo’s fire phenomena, that’s pretty cool and I can certainly imagine that blowing people’s minds a thousand years ago.

A ton of my friends live and work in the thick of this in Ottawa. Apparently unlike a properly planned and permitted protest, they didn’t rent port-o-potty services, and are just shitting and pissing all over the place. And while none of them came across yee ol nazi flag, it doesn’t take more than a walk to work in

I kind of like how they are describing this approach.
One of the things that has led to me never finishing a Souls game was once I got stuck long enough to feel like I’m wasting my time I would stop and then knowing that I’m stuck prevented me from the desire to go back into my latest save.
If they are allowing me to

Regardless of flying cars becoming a feasible technology, it will not happen until after we completely let go of the idea of driving our cars and instead travel entirely on an automated system driven by a network. Then yeah, flying cars sure.
Fusion will pretty much be required to actually make replacing every personal

I really like that IMSA posts the minor events on youtube soon after they take place. The MX-5's races where posted a few hours on YT after the live Michelin Pilot on IMSAtv, and both we’re a lot of fun.

When I was in my early 20's I wanted to make a zombie B-movie called “20 feet of death”. Guy helplessly fights zombies breaking into his house and all useless brooms and sticks he tries to fight them off with do nothing. All he manages to get a hold of is a corded chainsaw (or circular saw, I liked that idea better).

I totally didn’t realize that same sex marriage was not in the game. You were still always allowed to romance other same-sex characters. In a 6 player session my friends and I did, all our Kings were romancing the hell out of each other, having ‘forbidden secret love’.
At one point one of us contracted “lover’s pox”

Do these menu hacks work in Canada? I’m curious, as I feel like you’d just get a confused clerk. Most locations where I am only use the touch screen order system now anyways; except maybe drive-throughs.

It’s like a 4-door Lancia Fulvia, neat.

That underwater view is really cool. I never would have come to realize the islands are just the little tips of a massive lava dome. I expected a much more gradual falloff for no real reason at all, it’s practically a dead drop passed the shoreline.

Wow I barely played this game, with a week or two long stint. And those demands are pretty much the annoyances I noticed in the first week. Similar to some elements of EVE Online, these things become mentally taxing and unfun, eventually outweighing your desire to continue playing.

This is interesting and despite the rarity of these events could aid in prevention of events like over Ukraine (however, the irresponsibility of avoiding a no-fly-zone by instructing a flight plan a few 1000 feet above it’s limitations rather than around it was a brazen mistake to mix with other more brazen people on

So would at some point this opened box of fraud be valuable as “the 90's box of fake pokemon cards that are actually GI Joe cards that duped Logan Paul and every person it exchanged through since it’s creation” become in some weird way, valuable at all?

wow teen memory unlocked. Absolutely incredible. Maybe I can dig it up on AbandonedGames and con my Fanatec wheel into working with it.

I’ve had similar issues with the Fanatec software not remembering settings with my V3 Pedals. Brake slider remembers the setting but doesnt apply it, so before doing any racing I always have to open it and jiggle the slider otherwise my brake is on something that either never lets me get any useful amount of

10/10 : will use.

Imagine making an algorithm that factors in all the things affecting your population to predict when they are unhappy enough to revolt and use all that data collected to know when to crack down on it, rather than using that data to solve the problems that lead to the unrest in the first place.
It really does seem to be

I like that L2 is sort of less so in Earths orbit and more in orbit of the sun, with earth. It’s a neat little spot.

The Earth’s gravity is eating up it’s momentum, it’s not on a perfect circular orbit like a parked satellite. However this is all part of it’s planned trajectory to park it at lagrange and not need tremendous amounts of thrust to stop it when it get’s to where it needs to be.

All that KSP had me thinking for a moment Webb was traveling westward against our usual eastbound orbit until I recognized the Gulf of Aden and realized the shot is “upside down”; silly human brain and it’s need for a right-side-up.
I love the last decade of space flight footage that we have had, if not more