
Standard television is 30fps and used to be 24.4 on CRT. The only time I’ve noticed a difference between 30 and 60 was on peripheral vision on an ultrawide in racing or flight sims.
I think a lot of people like to constantly have their FPS on the top of the screen and being told that their frame rate dropped below 60

I think the first one was for the fans, and the second was to build up a standard audience. It also displays the flavour a bit more, throwing in a few comedic moments to let people know it won’t strictly be this serious film that only hardcore fans will understand; despite the fact that it will rip their happy hearts

You see it a lot in security cam footage released to the internet. They tend to not know how to extract the footage from the security system itself so just film the video with their phone. Almost always there’s people talking in the background or reacting to it.

“he’s a doctor now”
Damn near spat my drink out all over my monitor, too funny!

Fun side-note, I was a super gullible kid and in order to quell any overexcitement while at Cosco, my dad saw the SNES and said that we were just getting an empty box to read into it. I went through that cash out isle thinking we are just getting a box and trying not to get my hopes up too much. My Dad opened the box

Yeah I remember calling him King Koopa when I was really young and when we got an SNES I opened the manual and it stated his name was Bowser and it was a completely foreign concept to me for that name change at age 6. I dont think I had manuals for NES games I only played at friends houses, but in that era it was

Wow I just realized the Super Mario 64 Bowser battle is essentially a reference to how Mario defeats him in this film(although I think referred to as King Koopa in this movie?), with the whole spinning tail toss.

Oh man, it was rife with entitled rich white kids. I thought it would be a good way to make some friends and do camping stuff. The camping was ok but still entirely bent on being stuck with these pastors hammering in these beliefs with no escape in sight.
As a phenomenally pale Scottish descent person, it was a

I had that gimmicky one off to the right at the beginning of the vid for way to long (the one where you have to pick it up and rotate it around and it’s supposed to filter the litter into that pullout tray. Pure trash, i ripped the insides out and used it as a standard hand scooped tray for 90% of it’s existence. 

I like using a soup can and wrapping the top in foil.
(I almost used “Tin” twice in that sentence before realizing neither cans nor foil use tin anymore and it felt weird realizing I would still call them that.)
But I like your solution better and I’m gonna try that, having a can of fat tends start to smell in these

God may have had the wheel but I’m pretty sure that was her feet on the pedals.
I had a brief stint going to a Christian youth group in my mid-teens just as a means to try it out. As a scientifically motivated kid, it was pretty easy for me to bail out of that whole schtick when they considered me a troubled youth for

And even after knowing my short experience in GTA online I tried to play RedDead2 online and it was equally grindy and quick to attrite my patience.

I found mine (from uhh... 95?)only a few years ago but it ended up in a box somewhere. Nothing has been thrown out since my last move so it is in one of these junk boxes in my closet. I guarantee those things were built like tanks and should probably work when I find it and get some batteries.

oh wow I did not make that connection for the CEO. That’s awesome, big fan of iRacing. I didn’t have a PC that could handle IndyCar Racing but I certainly had friends with nerdy dads when that game was around and got to scrape walls from time to time.

While I will completely agree that alcohol likely attributes to cancer, the number of people that drink alcoholic beverages is vast and anyone could look at the list of people who had cancer and also drank about as easily as people that got cancer and stopped watching Game of Thrones around season 4.
I’m not going to

It would require a lot of RAM and a good hard drive to be able to run that many CPU’s up his butt.

That first flash soooort of looks like it started on the top corner of the truck ahead and continues on the hood of the car. I’ve watched too many times to convince myself of either. Agreed on the reflections, the first shot if it didnt hit the truck, hit the ground. Either way he definitely drove into it.

Bit of a double edged sword because as soon as she was missing of course he and the police involved are going to give as much information as possible.
If your house is on fire, you don’t stop the fire-hoses because the furniture could get wet.
As for sharing the story after, he hasn’t yet and likely wants to think about

Glad she’s been found. I remember going out and just not coming home and then just procrastinating the whole idea of coming back knowing I’m already in the shit “so, what’s one more day?! How many days has it been??”.
I also remember the first time I came home after dark just because for once I decided to not come

Currently in BC and I normally just deal with it without AC and this time around I am certainly regretting missing out on the availability of a unit. Everything in my home is at a resting 35C. My office chair which I am required to have my arse parked in for 9 hours is like a heated seat before I even begin my day.