
I read something awhile ago and correct me if I am wrong from a decade and a half of memory ago; that the “Reptilian” conspiracy was derived from the Hitler Youth handbook to scare kids into believing that Jewish people were some sort of monster. True or not I have used this to explain to some misguided friends (whom

I was just browsing this page while revisiting Kerbal Space Program and the ridiculousness of this aircraft really fits the bill for some bazaar aircraft inspiration.

Was just considering hooking up the wheel for some WRC9 but it severely lacks in group B. May still shred Monte Carlo in a Yaris tonight anyways (or at least shred all the panels off the car on those rock faces)

I think a lot of these crashes are from target fixation and not intentional. Getting in a head-on charge tends to lead to both people hope that the other explodes before having to move. On that note, head on charges are great for taking advantage of that mine auxiliary; drop it right before the merge and pull away,

I ended up dumping another 3 hours into it last night and finally really started having fun. Also strictly in fleet battles now, sometimes you get a group that all use voice chat and we ended up rescuing what felt like a total loss. Through teamwork we went from 99% likely to lose to wrecking the star destroyer in two

The customization certainly is daunting at first, not so much in being complicated (its pretty simple) but it certainly makes you feel like the con’s for an upgrade are going to hurt. I tried a Tie-interceptor with the non-auto aim burst cannon, and whichever engine and hull combo got me nearly top speed but also

I am enjoying the multiplayer so far, however when a group of 10 of my friends all installed the moment it released, I was the only one to get the game to work properly. VR folks couldn’t configure their peripherals because the mouse would not show, making it abysmal for unmapping things that seemed to go to random

Very nice review to replace the original kotaku review which strayed so far from the concepts of the game it could have been a perfectly fine op-ed about cloud data.
I’ve been using this sim almost every day now, some third party improvements have fixed up the A320 considerably but I still am more of a GA guy at heart

“Communist-Loving” is sort of ironic, considering this entire business model is Capitalist as fuck.

The crowds are such a fantastic touch to the classic rally theme. I also really like how they managed to use a simple combination of general shape and colour schemes to make the cars immediately recognizable. From the E30 BMW and RS2000 to the Lancia Delta’s in a familiar Martini racing scheme.

That TV Static flavour is all too real. I tried WhiteClaw out of curiosity and I found it tasted like ‘old couch’. A sort of aftertaste as if I just spent an hour cleaning an attic. I tried a few others and very quickly decided I hate all of them.

I’ve been on and off of this game as they release big updates to check out for a few weeks at a time; It has evolved massively over the years.
One of the most surprising things coming from a small-ish team early on was how good the sound design is. Those pangs and cracks from passing shots fired over your head are very

That second picture in the article is reinforcing your point.

So this guy basically watched Waiting and Clerks, then decided to take it to the profession. I think they call that cartoon psychopathy.

There was a time when the overpriced audio cable company ‘Monster Cables’ was sueing every little company with the word ‘Monster’ in the title, they even attempted to sue Monster Energy and, the job search site. The fact that Monster Energy would spin around and do the same thing is incredibly tone-def.

Considering how Car Transports have happened to be gold medal winners of the capsize Olympics... If one of those sails fail to retract or rotate in a crosswind that exceeds its envelope, they may be due for another batch of Mazda sacrifices to Davie Jones.
Honestly though, I love it. There is another sail type for

BTW. I believe I may be wrong about David Lynch’s film being the source of the Pink Floyde reference, it was apparently Jodorowsky’s unfinished iteration that was intended to include Pink Floyde. 

Im not a big ‘reaction video’ watcher, but today I viewed several of people who had no idea of what was going on and their intrigue got me so excited. I don’t believe that this trailer did not have an effect on the uninformed audience, I think this is something unique to them. I remember taking a girlfriend to Blade

I am starting to wonder if maybe they will use the term “Jihad” in the film and that his reference to a “Crusade” could be the aftermath further in the future. As a trailer, they could have been selective about it, but it may still be a Jihad from the perspective of the Fremen revolt, and the Crusade is the Imperial

Hey I loved this piece that you did. I think for Dune fans that at least saw David Lynch’s film ( like myself, sorry, have not read it yet still but did dive into the lore a lot in the weird(ing) ways that we do on the internet these days), we all recognized nearly shot for shot the entire story-line of that film. It