
I’ve recently come to notice this in myself as well.
Not a single one of my go-to games in the last few years has been inherently violent. When asked to join friends in some new FPS game, I brush it off and if I do actually humour them and join, I find I drop it very fast.
I’m actually actively wondering if I am going

I did a later season of Ninjago, we we’re briefed on the importance of the lettering as the show was handed off to our studio. If you go on their kids play site there are sometimes games etc involving the text. For us it was the first time they actually had meaning, so it was important that we didn’t screw that up.

1 minute 4 seconds, new record for me making it through one of these vids.
I need a drink now too.
Why are conspiracy nuts virtually obsessed with referring to “smirks”. There is always a smirk on somebodies face to them. Oh wait mid-thought I just realized I smirk too when I listen to these people; however it’s not a

In 3D animation for children’s shows, we very rarely use real letters on things like screens, store signs, etc. The basis of this is the fact the show will be dubbed in over 50 languages. You’ll notice in a lot of more action oriented kids shows that computer screens will use some sort of style of rune-like text.

Yeah, exactly.
It doesn’t, and due to the clipping plane ( the nearest a camera renders geo) it wraps to the sides, then cuts off and you can see outside the helmet again on the edges. So I set the resolution so that it renders black on the edges as a standard 16:9 screen and it works fine. I just didn’t know there was

I think competitive combat oriented multiplayer in these kinds of games can be a bit of a pipe-dream of the community. Space Engineers suffered from this severely; with the community all trying to make their servers into a micro Eve Online. It turns into a network nightmare.
I’ve been playing Satisfactory strictly as a

Ah, I haven’t touched multiplayer at all. I never even considered combat would be a thing, cool!

Yes please, for a ship editor to make harsh puzzles and share on steam workshop!

EDIT: Nevermind! Rob Cunningham is currently the CEO of Blackbird; totally missed that detail. That linked in profile, wow.

I just got this last night and it was a real treat.
Last monday I had purchased Satisfactory off of steam, and I think overall I have had a long hankering for both operating and dismantling yellow-clad industrial machinery. Both games hit that futuristic mega-corp vibe very well; with Satisfactory having a more smarmy

I’ve dodged most Star Wars games over the years because they lack the single one thing that I loved most about Star Wars, actual the Stars.
If this turns out to be functional with a flight setup, which I have built up over the last decade, I will likely pour hours into it.
Joysticks sat in a rather niche

Two temples, a monument, and a theater. Really pushing for that culture victory there.

Agreed, you can see his internal screams,and they are loud.
At no point does he want to defend trump, he want’s to implode into a black hole. And he knows that we are constantly under the barrel of the US economic gun. If this was just the protest, and no covid, he’d have a good space to throw some salt. This whole

The police are sounding more and more like the NKVD than ever; working directly for the Dictator than for their designated State.
One can only wish the military goes Zhukov on the whole thing instead.

Riot tourist. Plain and simple. All the “fun” without the cause.

Yeah, its some shithead who wants to “riot in a safe-zone” and therefore not actually participating in a protest. He’s a narcissist, and just wants to break things for his own enjoyment, wrongfully assuming no consequences, never imagining that he could get caught, and beat. 

Fuck that. Those are light-ass kicks for a jackass breaking shit in a place he went cuz he’s too afraid to do it where the danger is. This is a fake-as-fuck “ protestor” that just wanted to break stuff while using the name of a cause he barely supports. And if he is doing it to support the other side? Then seriously,

I just binged the season 2 of that F1 netflix series, in the wrap up they all go off about how insane 2020 is going to be, how it is going to be THE year. I just shook my head muttering “ooof....OOOOOF...Ohhh boy..haha damn” as I sit in my work from home setup.
At least F1 2019 [the game] got it’s 2020 season aired.

As a person who put 400 hours into Farm Simulator in a single binge, it’s very likely I will enjoy it plenty. I’m running a full on fanatec driving sim setup for iRacing, so it would be fun to use in a trucker sim for some casual fun. Thanks for the tip!

I have hovered my mouse over that purchase button a few times now, still considering it.