
It’s usually dirt-cheap and has a big appeal to gun-nerds.
You can literally get real or knock-offs on paintball websites, even here in Canada. Although anybody that uses a laser sight in paintball is a fucking dick and only wants to blind you with it.

“Didnt I, spot!?”
*Camera pans away from dog statue that I did not notice until she addressed it, with little to no anticipation. 

Should have been high-tops.
Adidas should do them to spite Nike.
The D.Va one is the closest to at least a med-high-top.


I am not itchy.
I am not itchy.
I am not itchy.
Oh god. (scratches every crawling feeling on body)

On a side-note, seeing all those dead soldiers with armour etc triggered my inner RPG player. “Why are you not looting every inch of this place!”

I have wanted to throw myself into the hellfire of twitter and have abstained all this time. Just checked out mastadon and I gotta say, it is pretty well.. its something. The local and federated feeds are interesting. I like it so far.

Fallout 4? After tax I am pretty sure that would be about right.

Ryan needs to use a comma.
The transphobic joke was useless and uncalled for if intended.
One ..could.. say that perhaps the writer was loosely referring to the fact that it’s not all men working on this project; but obviously followed up with a trash meme and is too naive to understand that it is pretty

Quantum Dwarf Fortress.

With all these lawsuits, breweries can barley keep up.

Hollandaise on steak and prawns with asparagus is one of my more fancy easy meals. The hollandaise itself is about 70% of the work, the rest cooks in minutes on two pans and all of it is just a total treat.
I really want to try this béarnaise though! 

duuuuuuuuuuuuude nooooooooooo.
Suddenly all of the mosquito bites I got this summer are simultaneously acting up in a choir of crawling grossness.
I am ashamed of being a male after seeing this last image.

This is what happens when nobody asks “how’s Waldo”.


And then you say something stupid and the birdie is stuck in the webbing of the racket and you stutter like a baffoon trying to take it out but now all the wires are tangled and then after that happens it just keeps happening more frequently because of the ever loosening holes in your topics.
Yeah, like badminton.

This Null guy sounds about 100x less of a dick than that last guy kotaku did a piece on.. what was his name? Screw it, let’s forget his name. It was something something sexist piece of shit on twitter last I checked.

Only 12.7 times the mass of Jupiter.. pshhh... Miniscule, really.
*curls into ball under desk, squishing tighter and tighter, desperately hoping to just collapse into singularity. 

Reading this, how the hell does a police report or article quantify that they later find out one of the casualties was from debris rather than a bullet and not count that as a shooting death. If the bullet stirs up some method of death directly or not, its still a shooting death.

I just noticed that there are quite a few of them all in the same relative motion. Likely a parallax of a different depth, I’m not sure which direction we are tracking here, the photo-bombing comet has it’s tail pointed another direction than it’s perceived motion.

I uncomfortably pronounce it with a hard g wondering if im saying it wrong. I’m still hip with the kids and the internet, I swear!

Back in my day, we listened to the dub step! wubb wuubb wubbin it!”
-old me in the year 2045