
It seems to happen a lot. I can’t tell if these people think they will get away with it or if they are just really that dumb and have no clue that they cant just go an make a licensed product under the basis of ‘fan made’ but for profit.
Remember those fools that tried to make a minecraft movie?
The only other thing I

Blobmoji was actually one of the finer details of my last relationship when we would talk while at work. It was not something I thought about at all until one day I tried to use an emote in gchat and noticed it had changed. For some reason I was deeply crushed as if even the very last detail of that time was gone.

That was a speedrun through memory lane, almost a work of art. Music was great too.

The fox was a snitch for that Alpaca gang, they had it coming. Prison life is no joke.

Ball Pythons are ridiculously docile. Cleopatra and other ancient royalty wore them as jewelry; their aggression is pretty much bred out of them.
I got over my fear of snakes with one of these, I visit it like once a week, all it wants to do is be warm on your arms and eat previously frozen dead rats once a month.

Every single demo reel I have ever had to watch uses that janky ‘epic’ lord of the rings crap.
I once had a guy (under 25) ask for tips on what he should put in a reel that he knew I would be reveiwing. At some point he then says “yeah then I’m gonna you know, put the Lord of the Rings title music over top to make it

I love how this thing is just big enough to have a decent enough gravity for these weird loose rocks tumbling around.  What a weird place; a tiny little lopsided cluster of movement out in space. It would probably be absolutely awesome/terrifying trying to grab on to one of these for a ride. 

X-Wings etc take off from the Rebel Base in a New Hope for a quick shot of them leaving (which then got CGI’d to oblivion in the re-releases)
I’m pretty sure there are a few establishing shots on Endor with a Tie-Fighter fly-over. However I dont know if this was in the original or if it was another one of those things

Assassinations are soooo 1950's.
However, angry mob deposition aka “getting ghadaffi’d” is in right now. It’s all about the team effort.

In Soviet Russia, burger impregnates YOU.. or whatever the meme is..

Something something Olympic Swimming Pool, something something Wales....and sometimes Whales.

Enough to cover an area twice the size of Wales with Libraries of Congress. But that would be silly to mix metric with imperial, so about a third of Texas worth of Library of Congress.

All these E30's break my heart. I had one not long after I turned 16 and it was hit-n-runned while parked (by another E-30 according to witness).
Thrown on the sidewalk, slightly twisted frame, and bent suspension portions.
Insurance only repaired the bumper and trunk, claiming the rest was fine.
Poor thing got scrapped

Cinnamon, menthol, and clove sound like some heinous flavors for vaping.
I had a menthol one after explicitly asking “this isnt called green___ because it has menthol in it, right?”
“naw man, no menthol”
Was full-on menthol flavor. Brutal.
I believe menthol is banned in Canada now both as cigarette and e-juice. 

I definitely did and every time I edit and re-publish it just stays the same.
There is a guy at work that says ‘entirely objective’ at work all the time and it is seeding into my brain.
As well as :
-“...yourself standing still. Or riding a horse in 3rd person.”
-“ I tfound”
-and the use of “rare” and “rarely” so close

Hell, he could have sold the washer and dryer for cash halfway through the time he was living there.
On a side-note, holy hell imagine a roomate that shows up with a washer and dryer if you have appropriate room for it (keeper!), and then imagine living in a place where you get by without having one in-suite and new

I feel we can all agree that 1st vs 3rd person is becoming very objective as far as single player game-play goes and I very often wish I had both even in games where it probably isn’t a great idea.
Kingdom Come was so infuriating to just you know...take a nice screenshot or something in 3rd person other than that ‘3rd

I am 31 and go to a local pub that is both fortunately and unfortunately across the street from me.
I consider this still drinking at home because it is the laziest choice I could possibly take (sometimes I’ll show up in what is basically my outdoor appropriate pj’s for a Sunday Caesar, which the waitresses actually

This is the kind of thing that, if properly insulated from radiation, would be great for getting a better peak inside flooded nuclear reactors like Fukishima.

I love that this guy brought both the goPro and the fucking selfie stick.