
This guy looks like William Sanderson as E.B. Farnum on Deadwood and I cannot unsee it. All I hear in my head is that southern drawl apologizing to Al Swearenger. 

DCS 2.5 landed on wednesday which was a huge engine overhaul for a great flight simulator. I’ve got an entire campaign of missions I am building, I already Tom Clancy’d the heck out of the plot points that the missions revolve around.
Speaking of simulators, my group will be putting some time into the misery simulator

They explained groundhog day to us in elementary school as if it was an infallible method. I feel like this was something cute for the kids turned curriculum through repetition. I definitely recall having to answer “what happens if the groundhog sees his shadow on groundhog day” in a second grade test. The amount of

Same except I transplanted my 970 over. I am glad I bit the bullet and went for 32gigs ram instead of my plan to ‘get 16 and then another 16 later’.
I looked up gpu prices yesterday on my lunchbreak at my desk with a coworker and we both dropped silent, choked on our coffee slightly and casually changed the topic.

Im more offended by “Soy Force”.
Zordon’s less successful, culturally insensitive, super human fighting troupe.

Geeze. Imagine being in the accounting office next door. I’d have PTSD within a week.

So in the next 8-9 months are we going to see the “hawaii boomers” born after all that spontaneous apocalypse sex?

Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay sounds pretty rad if you have no idea what either of those things are.
“we’re keeping that open, and we’re going to load it up with bad dudes.”
Bad dudes that can shred! 

When I look close enough at the thin streams of lava the blue-tinted red glow instantly triggers the Stranger Things theme song in my head.

Why risk that much money on a vendor with not only poor reviews, but for a serious product, off of a vendor whose name has nothing to do with said product.
Might as well buy Arduino Microcontrollers off of “Al’s Sex Toy Barn”.

People go in on ridiculous ‘deals’ that within a few clicks are easy to see how they fall

In high school i tried the whole pirating thing and it sucked for the most part. I also had 56k until I payed for my internet because my parents actually thought that the standard internet was more pricey and refused to check (eventually 56k was literally canceled on us and we got whatever was standard in 2008 for the

I try to remind myself that $60 for something you may sink 100 hours into is an incredible bargain versus a large portion of people dropping $400 in ammunition on a day at the range or buying 2 cases of beer, heck even a couple buckets of golf balls.
I think a lot of us got so used to being able to download games for

Escape from Tarkov!!!!
This game has completely refreshed me for the battle royal post-Dayz survival genre.
I reset my profile last night to clean up my mistakes and start fresh, also upgraded to the highest beta tier for the better starting gear (worth).
Excited for after work and the rest of the rainy weekend!

The colour scheme reminds me of The Future is Now; my favorite kickstarter art book yet.
edit: I looked back to The Future is Now, this post the colours are FAR richer. I guess TFiN is a bit desaturated. Despite the theme similarities, the line work is very unique between the two artists. 

I took a gamble in convincing my girlfriend to play this with me since it has been sitting in my house for ages with nobody to play it with. I say gamble because I was not sure if I remembered it well enough to be able to streamline a game for us without digging through rules for hours.
Well as soon as we started it

I’m gonna go on and put out a weee public service announcement and say that if you dont already have DCS on steam, try getting the standalone instead from their website. Generally a steam release comes secondary for modules with DCS.
I know they are trying to get it better lined up with simultaneous releases but it

You dont notice at all, especially if you know your joystick well enough. I have mine centre-mounted. The only issue is that in older aircraft with less radar or RWR, visual spotting is far more difficult due to the lower resolution.

I absolutely love the paint smears that convey motion, especially the second image (blue knight).
That Overwatch concept is pretty rad too, I like how her forward leg ends in an elegant foot while the lunging leg is one of those springy prosthetic-type feet. 

I finally got into Prison Architect, excited to continue the madness. Really loved some of the sound design in regards to how rowdy the prisoners get, the rattling cups and spoons in the dinner hall was great.
Also, Escape From Tarkov has been circulating my usual gaming crew, I may have to bite as well..

Is this the secret to making Coors-Light the Coldest Beer?