
..but that South-American rave remix.

I once had to drive by the Fuk Yoo every day. Not joking. Its closed now.

Yeah my Vietnamese friend told me its 'Fuh'.... I refuse to change. I'll say 'Foe' till I die. (which might be soon, im in the heart of little Saigon for my city, and if they find out I say Foe they might roll their eyes at me until im socially bludgeoned to death.) I eat that stuff every weekend, this article is

Would make for a good album cover.

The top looks like Ghostbusters should be fighting Zul up there 24/7.

Awesome, yeah I am down to using a range of 3mg/ml-8mg/ml depending on what is available. My favorite flavor only had 16mg available at the moment (usually 6mg) but I got it anyways. It was terrible, considering I was using 24mg when I started, the nicotine changed the flavor, like unminted nicotine gum.
I had a

I see that a lot, where people just constantly puff on it. A friend and I sometimes catch ourselves vaping (im saying it cuz ‘smoking’ changed the context when I re-read it) between almost every breath when we are hanging out. We actually will catch ourselves and agree to stop for a sec. That’s a lot of nicotine at a

Going from a pack+ per day and having pneumonia on a bi-monthly basis to completely healing and getting my endurance back is credited entirely to using an e-cig.
I have to use the medium large tank-based ones though. Those little pens didn’t do a damn thing, I smoked old man smokes since I was 19 so if it didn’t have

I can’t stand those masks. Every truther or even well-meaning protester on the planet attends rallies with those masks to take down large corporations. Meanwhile Time-Warner makes millions off of the royalties on those masks which are cheaply manufactured in South America at a plastics factory.
Self righteous indeed,

Oh no-way. Cool. Did it earn that name because it was originally created for the film?

Or stock footage.
Which reminds me, how many articles use a stock headline photo? Not prodding at Sploid though, they always use a nice new gif to add to my collection of awesome.
But for instance, virtually every police incident article I receive on facebook uses the exact same photo of the close-up of yellow police


As a person who loves hotdogs and always jokes about how gross they probably/really are. I am relatively unaffected and laugh at anybody that eats a veggie dog expecting it to be in line with their restrictions. Also, that photograph has completely undone the article as I am now totally craving a hot dog.
* I worry

What the hell is ‘classic’?
New products cannot be ‘classic’. Not even ‘original’.
Ah, tastes just like how I remember, good ol’ classic, that.
If they don’t want to say ‘plain’, just use the product name, throw ‘teriyaki’ on the special flavor or what have you.
Is it bad that I am, however, interested in the turkey

Is it funny that you can slightly hear the lava bubbling nearby from his minecraft game? What is it with minecraft players burning down their houses both in and out of game?

Where is this?
Why did I hear artillery incoming at 1:23?
Or was that a silly choice of sound FX?

Yup, more gunfire in the end. I guess this is how to have fun in a war-zone.

Manager- “You just don’t understand how the games industry works. Not that I’d expect someone like you would!”

Every single chef I know including my brother use every single one of his best knives, many of them use this similar folded steel and look like relics.
Virtually every meal he serves has been cut by one of his good knives and likewise his colleagues all bring their own as well.

They seem ..chill...I wonder how they...broke the ice?

The fact it is built into an old Casio makes this even more perfect.