
I keep a nice VFX reference folder full of these gems. I think the best one I found was on BBC of a mortar shot in Ukraine. You can see the smoke jetting out behind the flame in an uncanny smooth cone shape. It's kinda crazy, I make action kids shows and some of the reference I have used to learn how to make

Neither did the original pilots that these minis are supposed to be commemorating.

Hollandaise on steak with prawn skewers. Make a few pretty dots of something red, like tobasco on top of the hollandaise drenched steak. I have this with garlic asparagus usually, mostly because it's easier and I don't really care I just want to devour a steak drenched in butter.

Isaac Newton (I believe) was obsessed with music's correlation with nature. There is a lot of speculation on whether indigo should be in the colour wheel. He wanted a 7th colour so that light coincided with notes. Some people can see the fine point where blue or violet becomes indigo, others only see the transition.

I now am hearing the audio of this trailer in my office every 5 seconds. I shouldn't have said anything. Damn Chewie looks good, he could sell shampoo for L'Oreal.
Isn't it amazing what building a real set achieves? Interior of that Tie-Fighter looks slick.

I am running a soon to be deceased 560ti 1g but on an i7 with 8gigs ram.
Initially, with all settings set to lowest except my screen res of 1600x1040 the 'Vram metre' says I am using about 980mb out of 1024.
On day 1, I played with the settings recommended, the game looked OK but I was sort of disappointed; however it

This happened to me too, and I impatiently restarted steam over and over until I realized this one simple thing: It's installing a 56gig game. When it gets to about 56.0 / 56.1 gigs, its installing stuff. Then continues. It took 30 mins to install when I just left it alone. The download timer will rapidly rise because

This game did not like my computer. Finally, a game has struck me down and claimed "your computer is now old". Was able to run Shadow of Mordor quite nicely, but GTA V has the vram maxed out the moment I pick my resolution. The nice part is that it still runs at a beautiful FPS and is incredibly stable/ fast loading.

ah here it is. That golden ratio has nothing to do with why that image looks classical.

Thank you a million times over. I see people slap that curve over anything and then basically looking for coincidences in their example to prove a really shady point. There was a media example recently with that Ukraine Government brawl that looked like an old painting. They slapped that spiral over the image which

I cannot play Arma3 without the use of RHS: Escalation. Both the US and Russian forces are superb models. I find the Russian equipment is a lot harder to deal with sometimes too, especially since the BTR and BMP's have a much lower profile and darker camouflage than the default CSAT vehicles (which have protruding

Coincidentally started reading this while 'BrokenDate' from Com Truise begins playing on my headphones..

The minor aliasing made me skip a beat. Especially along the cleaver and the tap in those bright spots. Other than that it looks amazing. Uncanny valley is mostly a reaction to living things, but I see where you are coming from there. It most certainly is strange. Imagine looking through a furniture magazine and

Those are some lovely models. 'Dat spec map.

why do I feel like the guy was forced by a client to put that crap flare on every image for consistency. Always love the clients one chance to make a creative decision and the artist has to sleep at night knowing the war-crime he committed against the art world.

And of course in the version that is my favorite star wars storm trooper figure. Sand Trooper FTW.

I can safely say I have never beaten the main story of any elder scrolls game and felt bad about it. I would play the story up until all of the games features are unlocked (for instance the ability to shout in Skyrim, as well as the ability to upgrade it) and be more than happy to do everything else in the game. I

Beach Head II was a massive portion of my childhood with my younger brother haha. The guy getting run over by the tank in one of those levels horrified my mom as he made this bit-crush long drawn "graaaaaaAAAAaaAAAAaaaaaaaaaaauuuughhhhuuhh...!!"

Hah! Exactly.

Last time I read an article like this I got real mad, and here I am again.
If caught, the best punishment should be a full blown police raid, tear gas, flashbangs, and a severe beating as if a dangerous suspect. Then further prosecution until no level of attaining a future in life is possible. The suspect should be