
Unfortunately, they’ll never catch up to the Tesla’s Supercharger infrastructure.  There are only a couple Audi dealerships in Denver, and none of them are convenient enough for me to stop at them for a quick electric fill.

Tesla Model 3.  Your kids will freak out when your car drives itself (mine did).  My daughter (9) said “I can’t stop smiling.  I love this car”.   I felt the same way.  WAY more room than you think in them too.

Guess I better get mine ordered by the end of the month, and hope that the build time (3-5 months) is accurate for how I want mine configured.

It’s not going up $7,500.  It would be half of that (the govt. subsidy will be cut in half, not go away).  Also the deposit is $2,500 now, not $1000.

I believe that it’s a $2,500 total deposit, not $2,500 more (at least that’s how I’m looking at it on the Tesla site right now).


I have a Pixel 2 XL and an iPhone 7 (both Verizon). My son has an iPhone 6s.

Good article. Just switched my son over to Sprint since they are running that $15/mo unlimited everything deal for those willing to switch carriers, and was shocked when his download speeds were 10x what mine are on Verizon. :(

That poor BMW had no idea what it was trying to push. That Q7 qualifies for the tax discount for small businesses (ask me how I know), which means it weighs at least 6,000lbs.

Jaguar F-Type R, 3rd Gen RX7, Used Audi R8, Used 911 Turbo, Used Cayman, Newest Gen CTS-V. Ok, most are the high four figures, but all awesome cars!

I’ve had times where I was sick and couldn’t wait. In the middle of downtown Denver, there are a ton of places with no public restroom. Had these places (yes, it’s happened more than once) NOT seen the desperation in my eyes, and held fast to their policy, I would have shit right on their floor too.

I was in until...15mph.

Sorry we improved your neighborhood.

That’s not how it works in the Pixel. In the pixel, there are sensors around the frame that sense the squeeze.

Equally effective should be “Guns stop a beating heart”. No, that would be the trauma from a BULLET fired from the gun. Both slogans are completely unoriginal and not about to change anyone’s mind. But hey, they’ll make some leftist feel good about themselves.

Because CTS-V.

I don’t think making ape sounds at white people will really help the cause.

Wow. Great deal. I’m trying to sell my 3-year old 65" OLED TV to get one of these. I was hoping to get $1,800. Not likely to happen for anyone who knows about this deal. :(

Wow. Great deal. I’m trying to sell my 3-year old 65" OLED TV to get one of these. I was hoping to get $1,800. Not

It looks even better the dirtier it gets!