Glock 19 - 9mm would be my preference. You’re more likely to run across people with 9mm rounds to restock if need be. Probably a Glock 26 as a backup, interchangeable mags and all.
Glock 19 - 9mm would be my preference. You’re more likely to run across people with 9mm rounds to restock if need be. Probably a Glock 26 as a backup, interchangeable mags and all.
This is my current background. I took the picture and used various filters from Windows 10 media viewer and Google Photos to get the look I like then add it as my lockscreen and wallpaper. I like the darker backgrounds much better than I like a blurred background. Everything shows up nice and clear.
I love these bag reviews. I love the ideas I get from looking at what other people carry and how other people carry.
Item 64 is a change of clothes, on the top seems to be some socks.
Correct, to a point. When you have $100, do you need to go to get a burger and fries that costs 10% of your net worth? With $100K, are you thinking about buying caviar and champagne for you and all of your friends at the tune of $10K, because “you can” now?
I don’t think it’s terribly flawed. If a person can’t manage their spending and spending habits with $100, giving them more money is not going to change those habits.
Practice without trying something new or pushing yourself harder is just doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, which is the definition of insanity.
I have owned and I have rented. I am currently renting.
I remember the first time I moved out on my own. It was a cheap $110/month trailer. This was a long time ago and the same trailer would probably go for about $400/month. There was a certain path you had to take to get to the bathroom and bedroom if you didn’t want to risk going through the floor. I had to stop using a…
He lives in Cape Town and recently got back from Spain, so I guess it got him as far as he needed to go.
Following the link above to Everyday Carry post Int. Press Launch Carry-On, the bag owner does state,
“Once, I saw a mom and her tween-aged daughter let their dog poop on my front lawn and walk away. I knocked on the window and yelled at them like the crazy woman I am, and the girl cleaned it up. Fun stuff like that. Get off my lawn.”
Here are a few of ones that come to mind. I had the Logitech T360, but it was a little too thin for my taste. It was fantastic in regards to being able to stuff in a pocket or in the bag and not taking up much space, but it wasn’t as comfortable to use as I was really hoping it would be.
Thanks for the link. I’ve added it to my wishlist. I don’t have enough microSD cards to justify getting one right now, but that’s soon about to change.
I have a large phone, a Note 5, but I also have an 8" tablet. I use my phone for a lot of things, but if I’m on the go and find myself with some time to kill, I’d rather have my tablet for reading articles, the occasional book, or watching movies, Netflix, YouTube, and the like. I like the bigger screen for media…
I own a Grid-It because of one of these “what’s in my bag” articles.
Another thing to consider are those who are already using Android on their phone. Having a fluid transition from phone to computer might be a plus for some people. This OS is in Alpha testing right now with this download, but I can see some use cases once it’s all tested and ready to go. I know I’ll be using it as a…
You must live in the fancy part of town.
My 21 yr old son was just talking at Christmas about how I used to always pull things out of the box, get it all set up with updates and downloads and such, then put it back in the box, wrap it, and put it under the tree. He was saying that he never actually got to be the first “to play” with it.
It’s the purse that allows you make the Kroger run in 12 parsecs.