Sour Milk

It’s the same shit female cab drivers have been dealing with for fucking decades. Personally, 22 years. People are jerks to folks who work in service industries to begin with. When they are in am enclosed space it gets worse. The taxi industry warned you all this would happen and now you’re surprised.

Most municipalties require the quasi-public utility of taxis to service everyone, thus giving the consumer recourse when discriminatory practices occur. TNCs such as Uber are not subject to the same rules.

The regulations exist to protect the public. Mostly from discriminatory practices. Recent studies from the east coast prove what we said would happen is happening. People with foreign sounding names and folks in poor neighborhoods get slow or no service from Uber. Taxis are required to service everyone. Not all cab

They don’t pay most taxes. Revenue is not taxed in US because the IP which all the rides are routed through is off shore. They don’t pay employment taxes because drivers are not employees. Most drivers are not filing taxes on their “gig economy” jobs. They are of no benefit to the states or municipalities in this