Bingo- thanks and may you only have wonderful tidings.
Bingo- thanks and may you only have wonderful tidings.
I’m kinda thinking that the trike doesn’t belong to the idiot. He doesn’t seem to have any idea how the controls work.
“I want a list of names! I want to know who these people are and what they have been reading! Tell me the titles of these books so I know to avoid them! The specific names of the book! And where can I find them! Do you know any bookshops which have these titles? I need to know which books exactly and where to get…
Also would like to point out that there are right wing social influencers organizing protests, who are not affiliated with school districts, but are just stirring the pot for political theater.
I wonder if this man has ever heard of the internet. Like, how old fashioned that students only get information from the library.
I like Music Band’s early stuff, before they sold out.
What awful and pointless cruelty. Adolescence is hard enough — why make it harder? As soon as a child gets their own library card (I think at the age of 12), the public libraries where we live will not tell parents which books that child has checked out or read. Entirely appropriately. It’s not our business.
A measure laughably easy to defeat. Put it in place and I guarantee you 90% of the school population checks out that book over the course of the year. Kids love the feeling of sticking it to some uptight douchecanoe.
America is sooooooooooo fucked. I always knew that we were messed up, but this is the icing on the dog crap cake.
The other response would be every last student in that school system to either check that book out, or be on a waiting list to check it out.
Well that’s good to know. I guess my fear is that the school librarian may have gone the way of the school nurse, with most schools citing budget cuts as a reason not to have one.
In public schools, anyway, you need to have an MLIS as well as an education degree and/or teaching credential to be a school librarian. That does not mean that you don’t find parents working as volunteers, but they would not have authority over anything.
My hometown is in an absolute TERROR over the mere possibility of CRT in their curriculum, and also in a terror over the idea that their student ambassadors might give actual input on what they’re hoping to see - so they’ve been working to get rid of the student advisory/ambassador board while also figuring out how to…
can you fucking cishet white men stay in your fucking lane? Shitty beer and football? Like, stay the fuck out of queer spaces.
I would hope that there is an effort to educate him on this, but I’ll bet he’d fight to push this through, tooth and nail for LGBTQ “good” kids from conservative families looking into copies of “The Anarchist’s Cookbook” or books like “The Turner Diaries”, I’ll be he’d have no problems with those.
Great idea, idiot! I mean, it’s not like it’s very hard being a high schooler with the insecurities and fellow students being so understanding and all. Might as well put all those students checking out these books on blast. I mean, why don’t you just call them out to the 50 yard line during the halftime of each home…
Here he is in all his glory:
Nope - according to the American Library Association’s bill of patron rights, only the parents can dictate what a child can or cannot read, and patrons’ records are private unless there is a subpoena (or if the Patriot Act is involved). Librarians are gently explaining this to Mr. Thaker, I am sure.
Every year, my highschool English teacher (NJ, late 80's) passed out a flyer with a current list of the Most-Banned Books. And then pointed out which of them we’d be reading that year. She was great. :)
“Hello; my name is Richie Thundertaint, and I want to serve on your school board in order to threaten your fucking children. Vote for me, you slackjawed cretins.”