Guy Under the Seats

I found a time capsule that I unintentionally made for myself earlier this year! I had to bag all my food for a termite tenting, and found this box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese in a cabinet. The expiration date is from longer ago than I have owned this condo, so I’m not sure how it ended up here.

Every In-N-Out Burger seems to have one of those rotating reflective pyramids on the roof, so they presumably work. A little Googling, and it looks like one of these:

Yay! Nimona is getting finished and released!

So, this is going to make me sound way more interested in this than I am, but curiosity caused me to look up which karaoke bar in Hilo they were arrested at, and the only bar on Silva St I could find was Margarita Village, a strip mall bar in an industrial area next to the airport. The article on Miller attacking the

Yeah, it’s shame we lost the Toronado.

I liked King’s run, but I also agree that War of Jokes and Riddles wasn’t great. I got the same feeling from it that I get from a lot of the Brian Michael Bendis stories: Someone had a great set-up for a story but failed to sketch in enough plot details to make it seem real, and despite a number of good moments it

I’m happy to see the recent Batman-Catwoman Christmas Special here. We’ll see how well King can stick the landing on the whole series, but I found the one-off to be very affecting. At one year per page, it was reminiscent of the opening sequence in “Up”. The book was also a wonderful tribute to John Paul Leon.

Yes. Here in San Diego we have a terrific specialty beer bar that happens to be named O’Brien’s Pub. Perfect place to spend part of St Patrick’s Day. I have yet to see a bro barfing green Pliny the Elder all over the patio.

I don’t remember which comedian said it: You don’t ‘go to Denny’s’, you ‘end up at Denny’s’.

I’m probably the same age where we went to Denny’s because it was one of two places still open and Waffle House was too scary. I’ll still go in there if I want breakfast food at two in the morning, but I always see people who

I’d say I’m sorry to see you leave, but I don’t know how much I’ll be visiting this site anyway after the mass termination. Let’s say I’ll be sure to find out where you end up next.

I’ve always appreciated the grading system that was used by my city’s old alt-weekly reviewer, which was one to four stars or a black dot.

“Dead!?! I didn’t even know he was sick!”
I saw him at the Sahara sometime in the 2010s, after seeing him on Comedy Central and such when I was younger. Very funny, very surprising, very much his own brand of comedy.

When I was a kid, there was a rumor that Jack in the Box used kangaroo meat. Even as a gullible kid, this struck me as an absurd rumor. I was today years old when I learned that this was actually (sorta) true! In 1981, horse and kangaroo meat imported from Australia and mislabeled as beef was found at a Jack in the

Nice! As Super Bowl Sunday is February 13th, I will now plan to stumble into the White Castle Las Vegas central strip location just after midnight and shout “Love cube! I want my love cube!” in my best Patton Oswalt sweaty drunken nerd voice.

Me reading the review body: “OK, I enjoyed Suicide Squad and I know what to expect from this. It’s going in the queue.

I agree. I’ve made the opposite move, growing up in the Dallas area and moving to San Diego. I see plenty of people out here disparaging Tex-Mex as “trash-Mex”, but they still love ripping into a carne asada burrito filled with french fries and cheese. Each signature cuisine is non-authentic in its own distinct way,

The Cook’s Illustrated story is pretty interesting and contains some good food science behind the drink, but the recipes seem to be behind a subscribe-to-our-newsletter wall. Here’s an Alton Brown recipe:

I’ll stick with the book, but the first issue of Kate Bishop did seem like it had the typical problems of an author adapting herself to the 20-page comic format. Unrelated exposition in thought captions during a fight sequence is a tried-and-true method for making the most of a limited page count, but it was handled a

And the fast casual places will be, in my experience, a complete madhouse!  There seem to be a lot more people who want to eat out on Christmas night than open restaurants.  Be prepared to be patient.

...and Singapore (this seems to be a major hot spot)