Guy Under the Seats

That was the Orson Scott Card “Ultimate Iron Man” mini-series, which came after the initial “Ultimates” series run (and maybe “Ultimates 2?”). I don’t think blue brain baby Tony was ever acknowledged in the rest of the Ultimate Universe.

Hot Pockets: Oops, All Plastic and Glass!

Sounds like they’re really stretching out the origin story!

What strikes me is that California, birthplace of McDonald’s, now has the 5th fewest McDonald’s per capita.

So the next thing I checked is how many In-N-Out Burgers we have, which is 221 in California, while McDonald’s still has more than 1250 locations, so it’s not like In-N-Out has completely displaced them.

Thanks for the write-up. It certainly sounds like it’s worth a look, and I like Rob Corddry’s other work, too.

What is Burn Notice?... excuse me, I mean... What is The Unicorn?

I promise I am not trying to be “too cool for CBS” snarky, but now the interview and the comments have me interested. I know I have seen the promos, because I say “Hey, Walton Goggins!”, but then they either tell me nothing about the show or I have

Yep. Those are still one of the things I associate with her because, like you said, they were on all the time. I think they ran constantly on Southern California sports-talk radio. They really had this weird air of trying to bring in glamor (“Hey everyone, it’s a Bond girl - the apex of style and beauty”) to something

I’m surprised Temple from Thao & the Get Down Stay Down wasn’t on any ballots. It’s a really well-crafted personal album which starts with a banger in the title track and stays strong right through “Marrow”, which goes right onto the list of best closing tracks ever.

OK. So, I’ve been hearing about “The Expanse” for a while, thinking, “this sounds like pretty good TV show. I need to catch up.” This is the first time I am hearing that there are books.

Should I read the books, or watch the show?

To add an “Awwww!” to your tear drops: This is Vittles the dog who made 131 flights during the Berlin Airlift with his owner, 1LT Russ Steber. General Curtis LeMay ordered a special dog-sized parachute to be made for the dog. Although he accumulated over 2000 flying hours, Vittles never had to bail out.

The “Chamber of Secrets” spider attack in the forest is pretty unsettling. You know what else is unsettling? The spider attack in the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Ride at Universal Studios. It can’t be entirely unexpected, but I’ll bet it has freaked out its share of arachnophobes and small children on

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How about the spider robots from “Runaway” that inject you with acid?

If you watch this clip, you will have the ending of this 36-year old movie spoiled, but you will get to see Gene Simmons killed by spider robots, so, go ahead!

During the same two-hour stretch, 20-year-old Jenna Sanders, Ehrman’s direct supervisor, incorrectly prepared three orders, spilled a jug of oil in the kitchen, and had a 25-minute conversation about the band Slipknot with coworker Debi Price.

If you like The Thing, check out The Hidden. It’s not a horror film, but more of an alien/monster/suspense/action film. And, no, it’s not nearly as good as The Thing, but it’s a heck of a lot of fun and has early Kyle MacLachlan being a weirdo.

As far as films with soundtracks, there’s the 70's/80's punk of The Return

The freezing technique to increase alcohol concentration was used by Scotland’s Brewdog and Germany’s Schorschbrau in their friendly ABV competition to get around the normal limits chemistry imposes on non-distilled spirits. I have no idea how their process for an extremely limited beer varies from mass-producers like

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Interestingly, the Japanese rugby team adopted John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads” in their run to the 2019 Rugby World Cup, held in Japan, changing the lyrics and calling it “Victory Road”. Japan got knocked out in the quarter-finals, but it led to the odd site of a stadium full of Japanese fans in Yokohama

You’re right that the special forces team and the terrorists are using blanks when they stage a fake firefight, and then McClane gets his hands on one of the guns and tries to kill terrorists with it. And then when he later figures out the clip just has blanks, he gets wise to the ruse. But in the scene I linked

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The ‘escaping the grenades in the ejector seat’ scene got so much focus in the criticism of the movie, it was ‘Indiana Jones escaping the nuclear blast in a refrigerator’ 13 years earlier. But as FilmCritHulk would say, it was the tangible detail that represented a larger problem with tone. Audiences were already

Which Wich used to have an Elvis sandwich among their selections, which was peanut butter, banana, honey, and bacon. The honey was an excellent addition.

I think the bacon just got added because the sandwich was created in the American “add bacon to everything” era. I never heard of bacon being part of the classic

Based on the lighter tone of the Ant-Man movies, with all the size-changing shenanigans, I wouldn’t be surprised to get a lighter side of Kang with all sorts of time-travel shenanigans. A lot of Bill & Ted style, “Trash can. Remember a trash can!” and “I guess I did take my dad’s keys!” moments. But by playing up the