The irony with these chuds is they always seem to invoke Christianity and Jesus as the basis for their “family values”, and they get it completely wrong.
The irony with these chuds is they always seem to invoke Christianity and Jesus as the basis for their “family values”, and they get it completely wrong.
I wish more people realized this. Presidents don’t just flip a switch and the economy is fixed. They do a bunch of shit and pass it off to the next president to deal with. Obviously that is a huge oversimplification, but my point is that i wish more people looked at things more than surface-deep
O’Donnell told GamesBeat. “And I can have constructive conversations with those people. We don’t demonize each other.”
The only thing he really did before was successfully defeat Bungie for unpaid royalties. Followed by Bungie defeating him when he posted unreleased Destiny music he composed but Bungie owned.
You mean aside from the white nationalism and the “anti-woke” cultural wars? Yeah he’s a shitty dude.
“There’s too much division” says the guy who wants to restrict the definition of “family.”
no inflation while the Orange Man was in office.
Well, I guess he’ll have a small fandom a fraction of the size of what he once enjoyed before he outed himself as a horrible human being, even if his music still slaps.
Smart. Very smart. AAA publishers are only going to get worse, so it’s important to keep your franchises/IPs and cut loose in this day and age. It’s going to be tough without the rich sociopaths’ money, but in this industry the AAA model is just not sustainable with little to gain as a dev.
How interesting. They laid off 800 people last March so they could restructure and focus on the right projects I’m sure this time the restructuring will work and that it has nothing to do with giving more money to execs or stock…
I cannot, for the life of me, understand what on earth would lead them to cancel a Respawn Star Wars FPS. The Jedi games (licensed) have sold well, Titanfall (original) didn’t. Why would a genre they have excelled at (FPS) with a license that has sold games (Star Wars) not be a shoo-in? It’s absolutely possible it was…
Sacrifices must be made to the almighty Shareholder Gods!
I generally hate to generalize when something goes to shit but I swear to God every horrible thing to come out of the economy can be traced back to the Reagan years.
Launched on October 20, 2023, as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 generated about 2.5 million unit sales upon release. After three months on the market, lifetime unit sales of the game amounted to 10 million, making the action-adventure title one of the best-selling PS5 exclusives ever.
Well some of that is correct. Money exists because having a central currency system that everyone agrees to use makes a billion times more sense than using a barter system or a currency tied to a finite and hoardable resource, which is why no country still uses a “gold standard” afaik.
I just talked to an executive at a very smart tech company that decided not to lay off their entire talent staff during the tech recession, but instead to re-train them to do other critical tasks. This way, they get people who know the company doing important stuff, and the talent staff will be in place to snatch the…
Of course there’s fucking stock buy backs.
Another week, another comment from Beefsquatch reminding saying bring back the guillotine. Late stage capitalism is the enemy and shareholders are the cancer
In other, completely unrelated news:
100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive…