
Yup. He’s not ‘giving away’ $500m. It’s not charity or philanthropy, and this kind of thing never is. Like every other ‘wealthy philanthropist’ he’s *investing* that money. He expects (and most likely will get) a sizable return on that investment, just like every other hedge fund billionaire who treats the society

Take all of this with a grain of salt (a lot of them). Lots of ‘projects’ are considered but never get off the drawing board, and these timelines are nothing more than management’s way of projecting budgets and breakdowns. Chances are these are just aspirational plans and ideas for where to direct the studio’s

...except it’s in LEO. It’s coming down no matter what. FAA and USAF can’t stop it. They can only control where and when. And the longer they refuse, the less control they will, too.

It’s the product of moving goalposts over a protracted development timeline caused by rapidly advancing military technologies and hardware. In other words, large parts of the aircraft kept going back to the drawing board because one or more branches of the US military wanted to incorporate the newest and shiniest toys

It’s not the ‘stealth’ that gets turned off. It’s the aircraft’s transponder. Which, under FAA guidelines, is required to be active while operating in US airspace. Yes, even stealth aircraft require a transponder (that gets turned off when the aircraft leaves US airspace for actual missions). Which begs a much more

Agreed. If BO is making any progress, it’s obviously not substantive enough for Bezos to brag about it, so ‘babysteps’ is the best that could be used to describe what, if any progress is happening. That just leaves SpaceX as the only ‘modern’ launch provider in the heavy and super-heavy market. And that kind of market

The classic non-apology — she’s not sorry she’s a pathetic, disgusting, stupid person. She’s sorry she got *CAUGHT* being a pathetic, disgusting, stupid person. 

Let’s be honest — even if AI was used to replace the most useless people at just about every large company (upper management), the average employee wouldn’t see a dime of the money saved. In fact, they’d inherit all of the responsibilities of making sure the AI got everything it needed to run smoothly. And nothing else

“Well, fuck off then...” is the *ONLY* correct response to bigots.

“Video Game Console Makers Are Afraid of Piracy”

Why yes, execs have been on a free ride for too long and need to go...

Nothing stopping you from forming one. In fact, forming a union is legally protected in many states. At least for now. Republicans (and some Democrats) are certainly trying their best to erase union and organizing rights and protections.

No, one can’t make that argument. Because the US military is 100% funded *NOT* by private companies or corporations but by the US government, ie its citizens. And your other examples, or rather those you try refute? They also happen to be ones most directly under attack by capitalists. USPS? It was one of the

#1 Yes, in fact you can. America and other capitalist nations have been actively sabotaging and attacking communist and socialist countries for over a century. Just because there aren’t tanks rolling down streets and squads of soldiers trading bullets, doesn’t mean there isn’t a war happening. The Cold War *WAS*

Find an alternative that capitalists haven’t actively, aggressively, and *VIOLENTLY* put down whenever and wherever it emerges? Don’t bother searching. It’s a trick, because there aren’t any. Capitalists kill by the thousands (at times, daily) to keep capitalism running so they can stay on top and keep everyone else

This is Capitalism in action. There’s a demand and a market to supply. So businesses *WILL* adapt to exploit it for profit. Yes, it’s entirely artificially created, but capitalism doesn’t care about any of that. Only profit. If there’s profit to make, that profit must be made. Hell, Capitalism will have businesses cut

There was. When Unity moved to the subscription model going forward, a lot of people, me included, pointed out that Epic is shifting Unreal in the exact opposite direction. It’s completely free to use now, and Epic only assess any sort of monetary fees when your game sells (and has multiple tiers based on unit sales,

Except the science *IS* telling us that it’s both *REAL* and that this kind of care not only helps, but it saves lives. So, no, you’re wrong. On so many levels. The kind of wrong that only forms in the presence of intentional, malignant ignorance.

In other words “Not my problem, so fuck you.”

Which parents? The ones working two jobs just make ends meet? Who are barely in the same zip code with their kids for more than hour or two each day? Or spend what little free time they do have completely exhausted from their jobs? Those parents? The ones that society is working to death to keep the machine of