
Inequality is one hell of a drug, isn’t it? What would the average politician know about renting anything, let alone the home they most often own.

1) Yes, he did. Federal employees, which he is, are subject to VERY strict laws regarding accepting gifts and disclosing them. He broke *BOTH* of those laws.

The political ideology that started a war over the ‘right’ to own other people calling themselves the ‘freedom caucus’ is definitely a fine example of irony. And it’s the same political ideology that overthrew legitimately elected governments multiple times — even brutally murdering those officials who dared defy

What you’re missing is the fact that by and large, the FTC has been deliberately remiss in their anti-trust duties for decades. Part of that is regulatory capture. The other part of that is how multiple anti-trust rulings from conservative judges have greatly hampered the FTC’s ability to actually enforce or even act

Once upon a time, before a conservative judge nuked the FTC’s ability to perform its anti-trust duties, businesses had to prove that mergers would serve the public *GOOD* before they were permitted -- which was a very high bar and would have prevented many of the nebulously evil corporate monoliths of today from

What you’re missing, is the fact that one rogue conservative judge (which the SCOTUS declined to challenge) made FTC’s job nearly impossible — they had to demonstrate clear harm. Monopolies, and the corporate mergers that produce them, cause harm by their very existence, but it’s subtle and extremely difficult to

That’s why studios want to put those terms into background actor contracts. They want to force background actors to surrender their likenesses in perpetuity in order to work in the film industry. Either they’re thinking long term -- once the ‘big names’ have faded away, they’ll have a stable of countless likenesses

[Something that benefits me] for me, not for thee is emblematic of Conservatives and conservatism Which is perfectly in line with *corporate* unions being perfectly fine to them, while *employee* unions are ‘terrorists’ and ‘unamerican.’ And yes, Conservatives have literally called unions terrorist organizations.

Except, of course, that the entire industry *CAN* replace studios — the studios don’t have any real connection to or involvement in anything. The industry just has to, you know, decide collectively to be done with studios. Like right now, with the 1/2 to 2/3rds of the industry now on or moving to strike. And what

What you’re talking about is a nation-wide, multi-industry union. Which would require that the federal government hard-pivot to a 100% pro-union backing. And given the state of the corporate-captured government, you can guess how likely that kind of change in policy would be. Hell, even at the height of America’s

I’m honestly confused by this whole situation. Because lots of parts don’t make any damned sense. I mean, let’s break down the situation here with a single, simple question: what exactly are studios providing anymore? What is their role?

When someone entrusted with power or authority abuses that power or authority, the penalties for that abuse must be escalated in scope and severity equivalent to that power or authority. For the same reason that we escalate the severity of penalties relative to the severity of a crime — to punitively discourage the

Amy Comey Barret is a literal cult member. That speaks volumes about her character and her agenda and her ability to be, above all else, impartial. She should never even have been nominated on those grounds alone.

An insipid, pathetic slap fight between two equally pathetic, insipid billionaires over who’s more ‘awesome’ on the ‘interwebz.’

The shuttle launched 135 total times over all vehicles, with two catastrophic failures. That’s a ~98% success rate. On the other hand, it also had a ~1.9 launch attempts per launch too, which isn’t exactly a stellar record. But that number isn’t broken down into how often those scrubs were ‘mechanical’ in nature (ie,

It’s fascinating how the only people ‘advancing technology’ puts out of work are the average employees. Upper management and execs just keep on coasting on their uselessness.

In Capitalism, the only thing that matters is profits. The. Only. Thing.

“Listen to the people and enact meaningful changes to a broken system. Or just forcefully silence the people until they go away. Choices, choices.” -- Macron

I can’t take credit for it. Neil deGrasse Tyson used it in a climate-change explainer video. But because of its simplicity and clarity, I made a point to remember it.

You’re confusing/conflating weather with climate. Yes, they’re connected, but they’re not the same. Weather is like a dog on the end of the leash, going wherever the leash allows. Climate is the one holding the leash. Climate is heading towards ever increasing atmospheric energy. Weather is a product of that energy.