
Just goes to show you — bigotry and intolerance aren’t just American problems. They’re humanity problems.

“We built Alexa with strong privacy protections and customer controls, designed Amazon Kids to comply with COPPA, and collaborated with the FTC before expanding Amazon Kids to include Alexa,” Nguyen said. “As part of the settlement, we agreed to make a small modification to our already strong practices, and will

They are. But only because they don’t (and won’t ever) realize that the nation they fled to was responsible for the conditions they fled Cuba to escape. And of course, now that they’re here, they WON’T see that truth, because it’s too uncomfortable to acknowledge they got played. So it’s a nice circle-jerk of

In general I agree that modding and mods is a communal experience and expertise, where people learn and share what they learn with other modders, creating a something more complex and varied than anything any one individual could create on their own. As such, it doesn’t really make sense for anybody to try to monetize

But it’s still both. It’s about enslaving women to the demands of others, against their will or choice. And it’s about creating a ballooning population of underclass, under-served, choiceless, and voiceless people whose only purpose permitted in life is serving the wealth of the wealthy.

That’s the whole reason the ‘pro-life’ crap ever got off the ground. All the money being spent on massive, expensive PR campaigns to spread all the ‘pro-life’ lies and disinformation is coming from wealthy business owners who have a vested interest in keeping the job market oversaturated with people looking for work.

Voting for Biden got us 4 precious years of Not Trump to breathe before the next Republican (bull)shit hurricane makes landfall and continues their apocalyptic battle to destroy anything resembling democracy, freedom, liberty, law, order, justice, etc, etc. To them, if you’re not rich, white, and male, you have no

Yeah, and the only time Nintendo had *ANYTHING* to do with making their older IPs available was their short-lived Wii U eshop. Which they closed and abandoned.

They’re not ‘protecting’ their creativity and work. They’re not even holding it ransom. They’re just burying it in a metaphorical hole and telling the public to f*** off. The social contract around which copyright and IP laws are based is made with understanding that you make your protected works available for public

“What do you mean ‘overbudget?’ It had no fixed budget, so how can it be overbudget? We made it this way intentionally!” — Congress.

Surely this couldn’t have resulted because police officers are trained to view everyone not wearing a badge with violent hostility and suspicion but also to shoot first, ask questions later, if they feel ‘threatened.’

The white-washing of American history continues apace.

Because I’m sure what people with eating disorders need is the hallucinatory and randomly dishonest advice and council of an AI chat bot....

This is your daily reminder that the only power people have over their employers is the one they exercise collectively, as a union. That power is the reason we have safety regulations to make our workplaces safe to work in. It’s why we have 40-hour work weeks and (used to be) unconditional overtime pay. It’s why

Conservatives did it in the past! They’re bravely fighting to make America “Great” again!

She’s a criminally underrated actress.

Because the Republican leadership is so desperate to get its voters to pivot away from Donald “Belongs in Gitmo” Trump — who they know will be an unmitigated disaster — that they’ll throw money and a microphone to literally anyone who can engage the deranged and depraved people who make up the Republican voting base

Yes, because leaving business interests to ‘do their own thing’ has such a long and wonderful tradition of causing no problems for society. That’s why societies have no laws or regulations for businesses, after all. None whatsoever.

The whole reason streaming became popular was that people could choose what they wanted, when they wanted, where they wanted. Streaming services, being run by morons who have no clue what they fuck they’re doing, seem bound and determined to eliminate all of that.

Yup. The average woman is biologically capable of producing roughly 1.25 children per year. The average cost of raising a child to adulthood is roughly $230k in the US (I don’t know if that includes prenatal care and the cost of the childbirth itself and under what insurance coverage), and that doesn’t include