
I’m disappointed in his first year, but it has little to do with Biden and more to do with how many Democrats have assisted the GOP in sabotaging legitimate legislation and undermining any chance they will have next year in keep the GOP from taking over congress.

It’s a relic, that’s for sure. I mean, sure, the most immediate threat to humanity is still nuclear war (since it really could happen at any moment), but just because threats aren’t ‘immediate’ doesn’t mean they’re not just as bad if not worse. In any case, it really doesn’t do us any favors illustrating just how

“This game-changing moment in the history of medicine...”

Doubtful. The difference in albedo between typical industrial roof materials and solar panels is not that significant.

Yes, long, long-term it could be a problem — we’re converting more of the sun’s light into energy that ultimately ends up as heat — but it’s at least an order of magnitude less severe than increasing the atmosphere’s ability to trap that heat.

Let’s not forget about the acres of *PARKING LOTS* that are in the same boat. The panels just have to have sufficient clearance for the bigger trucks that come through. But in the end, the problems are the same as always -- who pays for it, and who owns it? It’s that whole ‘socialized cost, privatized profit’ paradigm

But how else can they continue to sell the lie about border security being paramount?? Security theater, people. It’s IMPORTANT! All that pork won’t funnel itself!

Because it’s only socialism when ‘other people’ want money...

Having taken the appropriate steps to correct from past mistakes, Texas’s power grid will be perfectly an alternate reality where Republicans don’t still control Texas’s government. And in the alternate-alternate reality where Republicans never controlled the Texas government, the problem never occurred in

Three relatively well-known actors have spoken out against his behavior and actions, both past and present. Others have expressed support for said actors, either by acknowledging the incidents in question or saying that they trust their stories (for varying reasons). Joss’s response is to double down on being a

The relatively unregulated ‘supplement’ market is awash in bad actors and poison pills? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

...if the current guidelines adequately assess whether mergers are harming workers.”

Mergers are usually like that regardless. It’s just temporary. They don’t *SAY* that it’s temporary, but it almost always is.

Honestly? Not likely. With the sole exception of small, grass-roots efforts, Democrats can’t stop tripping over themselves when it comes to doing just about anything (except for the things they’re in lockstep with Republicans over, like keeping the poor poor and the rich rich). But that’s a product of a political

Now playing

DS9's theme went from too subdued/simple in the earlier seasons to too overdone mid-series. Which is a shame, because when effort was put into getting the balance right, it’s truly awesome. To wit:

It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of other ways to access their disinformation.

Like most ‘social norm’ oversight, it only works when society has a basic level of integrity, ethics, and morals. And, well, we ‘monetized’ getting rid of — or simply not having — those things, so society has dumped them with glee. Sad to say, but Joe Rogan is not an aberration of American (or human) society. He is

Why can’t the US Postal Service get the money? In a word — Republicans. They’ve been sabotaging the USPS for decades to cripple, kill, and ultimately ‘privatize’ it so the public can pay higher prices for shittier service with no options or competition. It’s like ISPs in the US. Only for your mail.

The problem is, it gets worse at a rate that is almost — but not quite — imperceptible to the average person. So if they want to pretend nothing is wrong, they’ll keep doing it. Like the lobster slowly boiling to death. Oddly fitting, because that’s what’s happening. To the whole planet.

“You don’t own your body. You’re just license it from Omnicorp...for a ‘reasonable’ monthly fee.”