
If corporations are persons and can thus sue for damages, and Bobby Kotick has caused hundreds of millions in damages to Activision Blizzard, it seems like a lawsuit for the damage he’s done to that sum against Kotick’s earnings is in order.

“The beatings will continue until morale improves.” — Tone-deaf CEO.

This about sums up everything wrong with capitalism.

*Under Contract*. The contract was for a specific kind of job. Charter’s job is to ensure that the work the contractor is being dispatched to do *IS* the work they’ve been contracted to perform. Failing to do so is a breach of contract on Charter’s part. They can either pay for the work the contractor was contracted

Reality: oil execs and shareholders built their ‘products and services’ around a specific paradigm. When that structure broke down, rather than *THEY* accepting the consequences of that decision — a decision which they alone made — they’re pushing the consequences onto the public AND increasing their salaries and

Nope. Charter will still have to pay because *THEY* failed to do due diligence confirming the nature of the work order — which is easy for them to do simply by looking at whether or not the service has ever been used by the customer and if they refuse to pay, they’re in breach of contract, which is even more

It’s not *entirely* capitalism. Not solely on its own. It’s capitalism PLUS basic human nature, which means there’s no way to combine people and capitalism that won’t end up in exactly this kind of mess at some point. It already has before in the US, and it took a concerted effort (and a couple massive wars) to beat

“I’m sorry. I was contracted to correct a problem with an existing installation. This is not an existing installation. This is an install call, and I’m not authorized to assist you. I’m afraid you’ll have to contact your ISP and request a technician to install and setup your service.”

Yeah, that’s not a ‘despite.’ It was specifically because the whole thing was a racist clown show. Of course he was going to get away with murdering two people. That was the intended outcome all along, and the whole process, from start to finish, was structured to ensure it would happen. From racists, to racists, for

They’re only pro- or anti-anything when it suits their whims and wants. Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of the GOP dogma.

It’s the rabid religious-conservative mindset. Their beliefs leave no room for ‘error’ in their shared delusion of a divine plan. So in their minds, if you’re in prison, you deserve to be there, one way or another. It doesn’t matter if you’re ‘innocent’ of the crime you committed. ‘God’ must have seen fit to put you

Good luck being a starving hermit living off the grid in some place that’s barely hospitable on its best days, because nowhere else is available. We live in a vast, interconnected world, where the options, the choices available to the individual is highly restricted and regimented by forces the individual does not

At a guess, they’re probably both too fragile and costly for a consumer product, meaning they have to be handled carefully and in a way that anyone wanting buy these things is unlikely to exercise the necessary restraint. That would make for a bad product and lots consumer complaints.

It might have started out as a passion project for some engineers, but it only got *approved* as a pork project by senators like Shelby. There’s a reason why the SLS program is spread across 20+ states and it has nothing to do with efficiency or talent. And yes, if they’d simply set down a budget and a deliverable

SpaceX isn’t the only group testing megarockets next year. NASA’s Space Launch System could launch as early as February 12, 2022. Both rockets are meant to play a role in the Artemis program to once again send humans to the Moon.

The only job either of them are ‘qualified for’ is someone’s prison bitch.

Yup. There’s an argument to be made that getting people to hook *into* your products or services is the most daunting challenge — that’s why companies throw massive budgets at advertising. If game developers and publishers stopped looking at emulators and roms as ‘pirating’ and more as form of advertising, they’d

Number of people injured or killed while ‘protesting’ BLM? None.

Except that the racial disparity you’re citing is almost exclusively a US phenomenon (appearing again only in nations with similar histories of extreme prejudice). The gender ratio of prison populations is actually is even more dramatic in other countries.

Maybe. On the one hand, the gender ratio of prison populations clearly indicates that the overwhelming majority of criminal behaviors come from the male gender. On the other hand, *SOMEONE* is going to step into a power vacuum, and women are not immune to the attitudes and behaviors on display in people like Kotick.