So you didn't see Link in Soul Calibur II? Or Mario in NBA Street?
So you didn't see Link in Soul Calibur II? Or Mario in NBA Street?
The article seems to misstate the actual glitch. The glitch is that Peach players get banned, not that it allows her to pull turnips.
Forgive him E-H/He knows not what he says.
It can't be a bug that Peach can pull turnips. That's not an unfair advantage, it's a move.
This makes me want a sprite based 2d Zelda fighter.
Obviously this won't sell, since no one cares about an overhyped, mediocre game anymore. It won't sell, Ubisoft will be like "Nintendo console owners don't want mature games" (Like they've already declared) and use it as "proof" of that.
Pretty sure you kotaku'd the site. Getting an error message.
When you said " Would miss 2013" that means that it was at sometime expected to be in 2013. It never was.
MK8 was never delayed. When its first trailer was shown, it clearly had the dates Spring 2014.
Smash Run is indeed 3DS exclusive.
You can use them online, but with friends only.
You actually CAN use them online, but with friends only. And yes, it is awesome.
Nintendo still has Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros. launching. Don't call it a comeback.
I would buy another Wii U just to thank Nintendo if they announced Kirby in the game.
Definitely have this.
Pretty sure Fi could be a character considering she's SPOILER SPOILER the master sword. Pretty iconic as far as Zelda characters go.
I'm so glad to hear that Dontnod is doing ok. Remember Me was a flawed game but there was so much potential. It was a breathe of fresh air in terms of uniqueness. Here's hoping that this game is as creative.
iOS version now, please. <——"Demand"
She gets those later.
Look at all the animation. How did they afford the male NPCs?