
I don't need to justify the heels. They aren't heels they're boots. It's not like Sakurai said, "I put Samus in heels because she's sexy like that." He specifically said boots and went on to describe their function. Look at Raiden. Look at his boots. *gasp* They kind of look like heels. It's because it's a common

The Zero Suit doesn't function as her main choice of dress. It's something that she wears IN her armor. However, she needs to be able to defend herself when her suit is depowered, stolen, infected, broken etc. (Or you know, the situation in EVERY game.). And I'm not sure if you've seen this trailer for a NON-CANON

Who cares if they look like heels? I think they look pretty awesome. The boots say nothing about her character, and quite frankly she's one of the most powerful females in gaming history. She's not being objectified simply because she wears jet boots that look like heels in a NON-CANON appearance in Smash Bros.

She has jet boots that allow her to boost and hover, and specifically increase her power. She has a plasma whip and stun gun, and she's extremely speedy and agile. Were you even paying attention, or are you just blindly complaining?

Didn't get around to playing it on PS3. Now I get to play an even better version on the PS4. Sold.

Well. I'll definitely be using this character.

I've actually never played Wii on a tv that wasn't a high definition one. So I guess I disagree.

That's partly true, which is exactly why I would never want to see Nintendo stop making consoles.

But they also just have a talent for making artistically compelling visuals, among many other laudable qualities.

Agreed. Wii was severely underpowered, but the Mario Galaxy games easily stand out as the most beautiful games of last generation (and frankly two of the most beautiful games of all time in my opinion) to me.

Say no to clones.

Well I thought it meant catching sperm. Because that is a condom's purpose. But then I read the fine print as someone suggested.

I'm not sure I understand the point you're making by saying that nothing but graphics prevent the game being on the 3ds. Ok? Could The Last of Us be played on the Vita? Probably wouldn't look as good, but yes. I don't really get why you bothered mentioning that.

There's a Wolf Link and Midna statue.

Oh wow, you're right. Yeah that's...extremely stupid.

It's not talking about what you think it's talking about.

Vanquish was amazing. You hush.

Thank you. That was my issue. Most of the other things I'm ok with. Except Fox. Ugh.

I hope they answer you. I haven't bought this game but plan to. I may wait for the Ps4 version if it actually comes out.