
Wasn't that the first episode of the first season?

Clearly he was speaking of a round trip. But yeah, it caught my attention, too, then I was like… "Oh yeah…. they have to go back, too."

Thank you! She's Colombian, not Mexican. That ENTIRE plot point with Gloria, Joe's horrific "Casablanca" recitation, and Jay's apparent ability to get weepy and emotional after watching literally 3 seconds of "Rudy" was already bad to begin with… this lazy writing that conflated Mexico with Colombia made it even worse.

In what way is he "awesome"?

Joe's entire presence on the show is completely unnecessary. Like, in the extreme.

That was a good scene, I agree. (Plus, I really like Alex as a character, so that helps.) It wasn't as emotionally strong as when Phil found out Hayley had lost HER virginity, but still pretty good. Poor Phil.

I actually liked that scene, too. I can relate to the frustration of trying to teach something computer-related and very basic to someone who JUST. DOESN'T. GET. IT.

He really is a dismally poor actor, as is Rico Rodriguez. The two boys have always looked really bad when compared to the other cast members (and by easy contrast, both of the "Dunphy girls" are portrayed by brilliant actresses), and now the little moppet who plays Joe is following the same trend. That "Casablanca"

If you got past about season 3 of "Will and Grace," you would have had the same epiphany. Every single one of them, utterly unlikeable.

Let me just say that Sir Johnny Galecki needs to use some of those huge bags of money he has now to hire a personal trainer. He is getting noticeably fat, and his clothes can't even hide it anymore. His TV wife, on the other hand, is getting hotter. Go figure.

I found that bit incredibly gratuitous, too. I was wondering if anyone else thought so. Wildly out of character, out of place, and generally just bizarre all around.

You left out the best-case scenario: 5. Bernadette has a miscarriage and the ill-conceived (no pun intended) baby story is mercifully dropped.

The SHOW is a functional alcoholic, truly. Curiously, though, wine is just about the only thing they regularly drink. A variety of cocktails have made guest appearances, most notably the Raj Grasshopper, but wine is pretty much a series regular. Seriously. Wine has probably appeared in more TBBT episodes than Mayim

Sounds like a suburban party game, doesn't it? "Hey, Monica, do you and Jim want to come over on Tuesday night and play scatter cushions?"

Polly Holliday would have been brilliant in the role. Is she still around?

Agreed. And an even bigger one if you're looking to random TV shows to affirm your beliefs. I would suggest the OP look up the term "confirmation bias."

I actually live in a place with a large native Indian population in a very multiracial society (Kuala Lumpur), and I think what noahwayne is saying is valid. Of all the mixed-race pairings here, and there are plenty, Indian-Caucasian is NOTICEABLY the least common by far. I don't know why, but it's certainly the case

"…he people are generally OK to hang out with for half an hour."

Must have been a rough day for you, what with finding out not everyone's opinions precisely mirror yours and all! Chin up, though, you'll get used to it in time.

Or like women everywhere do to their boyfriends and husbands? :)