
While I see the backpeddling by King, one thing Woodward and Bernstein had going for them is that they could properly investigate. IMO, today's media are pushed to break stories and info on twitter and it really cuts into the vetting process at times.

Why have an extra penalty for domestic abuse when they could just have a stiffer penalty for all assault?

Better include a hammer to knock the crap out of rusted stuff when it gets frustrating.

This isn't meant to sound snarky but if a school of "high academic standards" wants to get a kid into the play a sport, I am guessing there is some way to get around the academics.

Why don't they just bump up penalties for any assault?

Is this the imaginary professor from that made up university that told the life lesson story to his fake class that showed there is always room for a couple beers with friends?

"You better not remove that, it's a load-bearing poster"

One thing to also consider is that quality of life is usually better with higher education and there are less of the "social ills" as well.

Interesting data. Did you happen to run across a similar map for income?

Thanks for this. My first puppy loved to chew and dig walls.

I am thinking of doing the same for my research project when I wrap up my masters this fall. Not looking to sell, just as a keepsake. If you are willing, do you have any contact info so I can pick your brain a little? Thanks.

"Guar Gum and Carrageenan are thickening agents." I'm 95% sure that these make appearances on shows like Top Chef. So is it ok if big money chefs use them but not WalMart?

Just to clarify since I don't live in or near a state with tolls or rented a car with them, does the rental fee cover the cost of going through the tolls? I'm guessing it doesn't but just checking.

Should have made the Clippers draft him.

My aunt did that! Wow!

Keep living in the house, quietly (meaning don't report it to authorities) rented out a room/basement, and pay your bills in full and on time, I'm doubting there would be much of a stink raised by anyone. A little underhanded but I think it would get someone through a tough time.

Textbook definitions say the recession has ended and that's by looking at the entire nation as a whole. Individual and regional problems may still exist. Personally, I live in North Dakota and there was never a hint of economic problems in this area throughout the entire slowdown due to our economy being based in ag

Kind of a side idea for renting out the entire home is to take on a roommate if there is enough space. There are some obvious drawbacks (lack of privacy) and there might be some local laws that you have to loophole but it would prevent the homeowner from losing their home and it may provide cheaper housing for someone

If he would have pursued it straight out of college, Jeff Samardzija would have a chance. NFL teams wouldn't worry as much about a WR getting hurt as they would a QB and he isn't a top tier MLB pitcher.

I still think its bogus that they focus only on big money sports (FBS football and D-1 Basketball). If they want to truly argue this, include all NCAA sports from all levels.