
The A-10 doesn’t carry 18,000lbs of ordnance.

I think my point was clearer than the one you’re making right here.

Nothing, sadly, I enjoy presenting different points on the matter and really, pissing the rest of you FA guys off is quite fun!

“If you’re going to put external stores on an F-35, you may as well use an F-15 or F-16. They’ll look the same on radar.”

All I heard was “Murica, FUCK YEAH!”

First, let me say, I’m sorry, that fanboi comment was kinda unnecessary, just pissing people off...Business as usual, right? :P

I sort of agree on the first part, that’s pretty much whats going on over there right now, though.

Well, right now, you have to take anything over F-35 because it isn’t ready yet!


Were F-16s perfect right before IOC? No, they sucked. F-15s? Fuck no! F-18 Nope. F-22? Nah.

Money, man...Its money...Or the lack of it...Or the waste of it, I don’t know... :(

For what we’re talking about, you don’t need to be that stealthy.

I think I’d take these over your Mk-82s, thanks anyway, though!

IMHO, the increased RCS is nothing that a SOJ or two, a group of MALDs, or the -81 itself can’t cover.

Go ask the people who fly them, not me.

HAhaha cute time to/on station.

I don’t think externals kill all stealth benefits, sure, you’re a LOT more visible, but it ain’t exactly an on-off switch.

Yep, quite similar in operation to the Bronco.

Cheap as fuck, kicks ass, lots of weapons.