Don’t forget to buy some of those $180 million F-35s y’all were talking about, as well!!!
Don’t forget to buy some of those $180 million F-35s y’all were talking about, as well!!!
These aren’t your usual MQ-__ out of Whereeverthefuck-istan, though...
That guy makes some amount of sense for 2 seconds then says some absolutely stupid shit...
How do you figure? If the Gripen wants to get anywhere it needs bags, pods, pylons, and weapons...The first 2 limit everyone to like mach 1.5 or so 9 times out of 10.
Usually cruise/loiter speeds on these things are something like that at low level.
Yay for overpriced 4th gen fighter with awful legs, yay!
Several types of military bands, perhaps?
Hey look, another annoying stereotype!
You’re missing a few things here...
The difference is that an F-35 won’t get low or slow enough to be targeted effectively (you’re either above the MEZ or your speed collapses it).
Check out some cockpit videos of the 34.
That would be one hell of an air force!
It doesn’t have either. :(
But F-35 can’t do CAS!
Isn’t that what Green Flag is for?
That’d cost more money and be less effective.
Hill was the first F-35 base I thought of for some reason...