Care to elaborate on why, exactly?
Care to elaborate on why, exactly?
Aloha snackbar!!!
Oh I see, you still think the Hawg does low level operationally...
The problem with that idea is that you’re not really considering the training time for new crews.......
You’re wrong.
That would make one hell of a cluster bomb.
Question is, can you prove that?
‘Are’ is the same as ‘Were’, now?
It’d be like Raven III or something...That name is overused as all fuck.
But CAS obviously means you get close to the ground, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
I was under the impression that you said the F-35 can’t do those things...No?
Gotta heat up all the RAM, yo!
Nice assumptions ya got there! ;)
What does the A-10 do, then?
Bullshit, its got a lot of gas, a lot of sensors, and the same weapons.
Agreed, its fucked, man!
That makes sense though; you can’t do that here!
So what do you want to do? Shitcan the F-35 and reset the cycle of buttfuckery?