
It is very sarcastic (or uninformed) - Try 4 years.

Totally not trying to triple post intentionally...



Goddammit learn to use your shift key!

Barely less than $150 million, yep.

All I’ve seen from videos and pictures is medium alt (like 20k?) level CCRP stuff.

Keep drinking that kool aid...

Here’s another thing with flight profiles, the French tend to include a ~200 mile high alt high mach egress off the target.

But the F-35 is more expensive! $100 million is way more than $150 mil!

15 years? lolwut?

Greater range? Eh....

“Why the fuck am I sooo sloooooooooooooooooooooow!”

Yeah I’d imagine so.

^What he said.

Who says they want to hit something (...accurately)?

they’re above 15,000ft for the most part, AFAIK.

It would truck on back to base, yeah. :D

I don’t really want to get into the CAS debate, but...B-1s, man! Badass like a Hawg, fast like a Strike, can sit and wait....Might have more bombs than you’ll ever need.

Holy fuck! That appeared ~10 times in my notifications.