The F-117 was not technical overkill at all, it was technical underkill (if thats a word), it lacked the electronics to do anything useful.
The F-117 was not technical overkill at all, it was technical underkill (if thats a word), it lacked the electronics to do anything useful.
F-117 and B-2 haven’t performed their role? Are you fucking retarded?
More of your “AF doesn’t want to CAS” silliness?
You mean a 5th generation VLO strike fighter can’t utterly buttfuck a (somewhat) reduced RCS 4th generation fighter?
It won’t death spiral.
Exactly, we don’t need B-21 RIGHT NOW.
>B-1 >Stealthy. the math and read some (better) shit.
Ah, got it.
Go read the real report - The article is regurgitating what everyone else said. Apparently some people seriously expected an F-35 with a 35+ AOA limit AND a limited FLCS configuration to win against an F-16 with a 25 AOA limit. (I doubt those people were the AF or the F-35 program...)
Didn’t the RQ-170 use that?
If the program death spirals.
I want to believe thats an A-12... :(
Who says it has a BFM edge vs the F-35?
I’m imagining an F-35B with a rope pulling some crate or whatever in STOVL
Fair enough.
The A has 182 25mm rounds internally. B and C will have the pod with 220.
That’s why I’m arguing either all in or all out on the A-10!