
If the program death spirals.

I want to believe thats an A-12... :(

Who says it has a BFM edge vs the F-35?

I’m imagining an F-35B with a rope pulling some crate or whatever in STOVL


Fair enough.

The A has 182 25mm rounds internally. B and C will have the pod with 220.

That’s why I’m arguing either all in or all out on the A-10!

The airtime thing is a very valid concern.


You are absolutely retarded as it comes to the F-35.

I should’ve said it won’t really help you in 15-20 years, I guess.

LRIP 9 and 10 are 2017-2018 models though.

A-10s do NOT fly low level as much as everyone loves to believe.

I meant that neither is happening... :)

Yep, and its coming down.

They’re buying 2020's F-35s right now for like $85 million or something, IIRC

Buy more A-10s! They can do EVERYTHING!

So what are F-15Es and bombers again?

They’re not great in proximity to modern air defenses.