>Less than 10 year old jets. >Worn out.
>Less than 10 year old jets. >Worn out.
They’re interchangeable.
You don’t know that.
Its a Su-34, Russia is one of two operators of the type - The other operator isn’t in the theater.
They use white phosphorus to mark targets.
Try SA-20.
My nose is small though.
That is both sad and funny...
Thanks Obama!
IIRC Fallujah was emptied of civilians. I read a book or two on that fight, very interesting...The city was surrounded for a few months before they pushed in, I think.
Ok, so multiple sources are reporting that Saudi used clusters, sucks. (edited some stuff out here...)
Yep, I’ve heard the same thing from quite a few people.
The US, uhh, used nukes/firebombs/something, somewhere, uhhhh...
Nope, ‘Murican.
Crapitalist pigdog!
I think the Saudi F-15Cs are still using some form of non-ESA 63, probably V1 (or the -70).
No, they have F-15Cs too.
There’s a difference between targeting vital infrastructure and dropping conventional CBUs everywhere.