
Yep, I’ve heard the same thing from quite a few people.

The US, uhh, used nukes/firebombs/something, somewhere, uhhhh...

Nope, ‘Murican.

Crapitalist pigdog!

I think the Saudi F-15Cs are still using some form of non-ESA 63, probably V1 (or the -70).

No, they have F-15Cs too.


There’s a difference between targeting vital infrastructure and dropping conventional CBUs everywhere.

That was no fucking pothole!

That was a Su-34 in the top video, if that’s what you’re referring to.

I fucking lol’d mate, I lol’d everywhere!

Oh shut the fuck up Putinbot.

Do you even ROE, bro?

“Something something that’s out of the scope of this something something blah blah blah.”

Yeah, it depends on who goes full retard and when!

I went full retard.

More effort for less reward.

You seriously think that an air force like Turkey wouldn’t be able to enter Syrian airspace if it wanted to?


You keep saying “modern IRSTS can detect F-35s from 75 miles” - I’ve told you, I don’t disagree...HOWEVER, you’re seeing it from tail-on at 75 miles and there’s not a thing you can do about it running from you!