
That happens when multiple flights engage the same target. Imagine this: you have 2 Target CAP flights of 4 F-15s, AWACS calls a 2 ship of Fulcrums scrambling to engage an airfield strike package, what do you do?

So where are the Gawker-ian “US SUX LOLOL RWNJ WARMONGERZZ” comments today?



Probably, but you know the media would go apeshit.

Glad to hear some good news today...

^Fully agree, it is a great way to look at things.

I was mainly referring to non-SH F-18s, F-15C/E, F-16 (ALQ-184 pod).

The F-35 is the more survivable aircraft as it comes to air to ground.

And where did I say/imply anything like that?

Can you go back to Gawker/Jizzabel, at least?

Fuck off, please.

This deserves more stars than the bullshit comments above.

Guess not! :D

TL:DR: The US likes offensive airpower, Russia likes defensive airpower (Incl. SAMs).

F-22s? Nah.

250 miles, aka 200nmi, aka 400km.

This ain’t the SA-2, no surface attack mode.