The F-35 isn’t is FAR superior in its role to anything else out there...
The F-35 isn’t is FAR superior in its role to anything else out there...
*Insert Fallout reference here*
I think the only real issue with the B is the lack of internal 2,000lb stores...and maybe range, I don’t know how much fuel they have in that...otherwise its a pretty decent (read: the best) STOVL/VTOL (strike) fighter.
I’m sorry sir, but your comment is too realistic for the internet.
May they all rest in peace...
Why not use the B-2?
haha, yeah...metric and aviation should not be mixed, IMHO.
mach 2.5 MiGs? lol no...
Over 9,000...millimeters per second.
That’s killstreak to you darn it!
These puns are Soch(i)eesey...
Yeah, suppose I didn’t think of the 29A’s radar... :)
Saying something about APG-66 and then saying modern?
Fully agree.
Those two things on each of the wings? They’re laser guided bombs, sometimes they tilt the laser seeker thing down for whatever reason...or it might move around on its own, IDK.
Most planes, to the best of my knowledge, have similar problems during their development cycles.
That’s a pretty heavy (IMO) configuration at a decent amount of AOA...
What problems, specifically?
I will tell you that stealth certainly helps; but I think you might have a good point that its currently not quite necessary...