
Ever heard of Advanced EOTS? Yeah, that’s probably going to find its way into an F-35 early next decade (mid block 4 software I think). F-35’s software is pretty open architecture from what I’ve read about it...I’ll try to dig into that more at some point.

Sadly that is not what the plane nowadays is meant to be... it is meant to be a replacement for F16’d. F15’S, A10, Harrier and F/A18..

Bu-but you’re not supposed to reply to knee-jerk reactions on the internet with facts and logic...

SHIT! Oh shit!


Slight correction here: Current gen IR missiles are relatively easy to defeat when you know EXACTLY where they are

Existing IRST gear (some details would be nice here, like what IRST specifically?) can detect an F-35 50-75nmi out.

You have a great day too...

I think you’re underestimating it, tbh.

It does strike.

And you/he/they’d be somewhat wrong.

I guess Mr Kopp or perhaps Mr Sprey told you that?

When you say F-35, do you mean the jet or the program?

I agree.

Relevant picture.

I’m sorry sir, your comment makes too much sense to be on Foxtrot Alpha, try using Gawker for spreading logic and truth to the internetz.


That’s a Goa-d one.

Both of you need more stars IMHO.

Those low frequency radars are search radars, not fire control radars...and its going to stay that way (AFAIK) for at least a little while...I think eventually you might be able to get one of those low frequency radars to help with mid-course commands for a radar guided missile against a stealth A/C...but then you’re