
I did read it, no, NOT the War is Boring article, but the actual fucking report. Basically, everything in that besides not being able to sustain a turn with a Viper is fixable. The last one there will be fixed through stealth, avionics, and tactics.

Ok Mr Sprey.

The F-35, from what I’ve heard, handles like a Hornet. So besides the F-16 like sidestick system I don’t think that would be much of a problem. Also, they’d be operating F-35Cs probably, not the STOVL B model.


I think the Zumwalt is more of a land attack platform than a surface combat oriented ship, the USN likes leaving anti-surface stuff to carrier air wings......

I’ll use whatev wordz I wanta, m’kay? :)

I would bet a lot that the Navy has invested in LPI fire control radars...

submarines aren’t stealthy though, they’re silent...the Zumwalts are going to get closer to the enemy than anyone else, they need better stealthing, better sensors, and better weapons than any other US ship.

That’s a Holiday Tree to, uhh, racist or something like that.

IDK, I just want some of your tinfoil.

There’s a difference between an armored division or three and 5 tanks...


Can I have some of your tinfoil?


Yeah, was mainly trying to get the point out there that SAMs aren’t some god-like tool...they are annoying though!

Ok, the SAMs survive, but if the targets that they are protecting don’t survive, then what good have the SAMs done? Not much is the right answer.

And who the actual f uses km for radar range?

Eh, IDK if it really would...but it’d be interesting as hell though (and scary)!

Is that JASSM-ER?

Yeah, how many successful sorties were generated vs fighters destroyed?