
or Christmas party, or any other enjoyable holiday ever again. Oh, he’ll probably gain 4olbs because witnesses dont do anything else but eat. He wont have those other friends he mentions in his letter. But hey, if he dedicated his life to the organization so be it. But they are a sexist, borderline cult, organization.

This post is deeply pathetic, with dare I say a pinch of jealousy? It is so painfully apparent that the author is not familiar with these guys at all. They have literally been pushing Medicare-for-All non-stop for as long as I can remember. They always get knocked for being white and successful, which in and of itself

late night games really affect the attention trout gets. most people are in bed before he’s hit his second double.

Now I’ve been a Halos fan for just about as long as I have memories, so I know I don’t represent casual or national baseball fans, but I absolutely care, and so do many people in the area. Angel Stadium was sold out last Tuesday for his start against Boston (yes there were plenty of Boston fans there) but it was like

Context for those who may not follow skateboarding - BA coming out is sort of like if Kevin Garnett came out. He’s got a super long track record of doing amazing things, and is almost universally beloved at this point.