ArightDoom: nèe conebone69

Charlie: Excuse me, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?

That's AWESOME alignment. #adops

Too late for ArightDoom. Too late. For AlrightDoom.


Yeah, the babycakes one made me giggle. Defensive snark retracted. We've come to an accord!

I feel like if you really enjoy ars, you're DEFINITELY not going to enjoy the sense of humor in the comments here.

I think once a month is the key point here. Steak day is the best day.

The dev beta dropped last week, so there's no price to speak of.

The truly terrible thing is that I just assumed that was made up. I'm an idiot.

Because the XKCD dude is usually good with easter eggs, I went to see what post 279 was. Nothing at all related, but good nonetheless.

According to my high school physics teacher trying to put a real-world spin on something, those white strips are actually timing markers. When you cross the first one, a guy in an airplane starts a stop watch, then stops it once you cross the second one. If your time across those lines is too fast, he'll radio the cop

Matt, you'll be missed. My "I'm-too-old-to-be-an-intern-but-fuck-it" interview was scary those years ago... maybe I'll check out buzzfeed.


Best Chevy commercial, ever!

There's a slingcatcher you can buy and hookup to your tv. Basically another set-top box that receives. I have one set up in my parents' house and a slingcatcher in my apartment, but the quality is kinda janky so I never end up using it. YMMV of couse.

Samesies. I'm kinda bummed out.


I'd like to remind everyone of what happened the last time an automaker asked the public what they really wanted...

Ah, you know what, if you read this in the correct gallery format it doesn't make a difference. I was eating a sandwich so I was reading them all on one page.

Someone left an emphasis tag open after number 2